Chapter one

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"Everyone they are coming! Get ready!" A young man yelled out to the village, calling out the announcement. The villagers ran around to greet the mysterious people.

The mysterious people came into the small village wearing cloaks while their hoods were on, hiding their identities. One by one, the villagers greeted them so kindly and respectfully. Underneath their cloaks, they gave a small smile to each one of them they passed. Once they reached the middle of the village, they stopped and turned to the villagers.

"We bring gifts for you all." One of the hooded people said to the villagers that were gathered around the center. The other two were looking around the village, noticing they are lacking in food, money, and medicine.

The hooded figure in the middle looked at the other on her right, nodding her head. The figure nodded back in response. She stepped forward and started to sing a beautiful melody, which was like magic. As the figure kept on singing, the people who were ill or injured started to heal. Next, the hooded figure looked to her right, giving a signal to the hooded figure.

The figure started to create gold from their bare hands. They created so much, that the village may have turned into the richest. The figure in the middle watched as the village began cheering and crying from the joy of their kindness.

However, the clacking and rustling of metal could be heard. Everyone stopped what they were doing to look up where the sound was coming from. The villagers had fear in their eyes.

"Holy Knights." One of the figures said, getting ready to fight. "You must stay calm, dear sister." The one on the right said. " I believe it's time for us to leave, sisters." The one in the middle said to them.

The Holy Knights were now in view for the whole village to see. The females started to make their way back into the forest, but a spear was charging towards them like a bull seeing red. Thankfully, the female in the center caught the spear with just her two fingers. Sighing, she threw it right back at them. "When will you knights ever learn?"

The spear ended up hitting the same knight right in the shoulder. The villagers had started to run to their homes, hiding from the battle that will soon break out. "Listen here, you are giving out gold and magic to people who have not worked for it." One of the knights said. The females' backs were turned to them though.

The girl on the left sighed, "Can't we just leave these pig heads already? We have places to go and people to visit." "Sister, be patience, we will get there soon." The girl on the right said. "Easy for you to say."

"Sisters, I believe we should be lea-"

"Did you hear me?" The same knight interrupted the girls.

The girls sighed for the millionth time today. "Will you shut up? We are having a conversation. Rude, much?"

The girl in the middle started taking off her hood. Her (eye color) eyes were sparkling in the sun. Her perfect (skin color) skin was glowing while her (hair length), (hair color) hair was flowing in the light breeze.

The holy knights were taken aback to see it was a woman. Not just any woman, a sinner, and a saint.

The two other girls took off their hoods as well. The girl on the right has green eyes like gems. Her hair color is a wavy dark blue which fades to a dark purple that goes down to her mid-back, and her skin is pale as snow.

The girl on the left has dark brown hair with white tips. The length of her hair goes to her mid-back like the girl on the right. Her eyes are dark brown, but they look like they are changing color because of the sun shining on them. Her skin is pale with a hint of tan.

The holy knights were paralyzed of the sight in front of them. "I am (Y/N), heavenly virtues of diligence and chastity, sins of hatred and betrayal." The girl, (Y/N) announced. On her (body part), a mark of a (favorite animal) and a (favorite mythical creature) was in a yin yang formation.

"This can't be!" One of the holy knights, who had blonde hair, said out loud. "How is this possible?!" Another said, who looked to have a huge nose.

"I am Leona, heavenly virtues of patience and humility, sins of mischief and revenge." The girl on the right announced. On her right shoulder was the same thing, but a panda and a Cerberus.

"NO! NO! YOU SHOULD ALL BE DEAD!" The man that threw the spear at the girls yelled. The holy knights were in shock and could barely speak.

"I am Emily, heavenly virtues of charity and kindness, sins of insanity and the fall of man." The brown-headed girl announced as well. On her left forearm was a wolf and a Hippogriff in the same position as her sisters.

"We are the three Saints and Sinners. Now leave this place or suffer the consequences!" (Y/N) yelled out to them. "NO, WE SHALL NOT LEAVE!" A holy knight in red said.

"Sister (Y/N), there are approximately six holy knights and one was called for backup," Emily said to her sister.

"Sisters, we are gonna fight them, so get ready, okay?"
(Y/N) said to them, getting out her (favorite weapon).

The holy knights got into a fighting stance. Some are shaking in fear, as the others have faces of anger.

"God, what did we ever do to them?" Leona said, getting out her pitch-black chain scythe. "We will leave right after we're done with them, so we can go finish visiting the other villages." (Y/N) said.

"Let's make this quick then, shall we?" Emily said, summoning her death scythe. Suddenly an earthquake-like ruckus started shaking the ground. Looking up was none other than the Grandmaster of the holy knights.

"Aw, shit!" (Y/N) yelled out. "Language," Leona said to her.

"You three committed a very hateful crime, which is murdering a whole town." the Grandmaster said.

"WHAT?!" All three girls shouted in sync. "We have done no such thing!" (Y/N) said out loud. "We have evidence. You all were there." The blonde holy knight said. "Now, you all must die for your crimes."

"Sisters, here's the plan. We are not going to fight this battle. Instead, we will meet by the lake in the forest. I hope to see you two there." (Y/N) told them, as she was using her magic to create a distraction for the girls to leave.

They are not going to fight something they have not done. "What are you doing men? After them!"

The girls started to run into the forest in different directions, disappearing from each other's sight, never to be seen from one another for the next few years.

End of flashback

(Y/N)'s POV

Now, that my friends was thirty years ago. I believe it's time to have a meet and greet with my sisters again. Time for a long, long journey.

I giggled and blew out the candle

Thank you all so much for reading I really hope you all like it it's my first anime book. Now I will be do things and I hope you all shall support this on my journey to write this. I love you all have have a great day/night/evening bye- bonniegirlover36

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