Chatper two

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Walking; That's all I've been doing for days and days. I haven't slept either, because I have to find my sisters, no matter what. At this point, I'm weak and tired. Yes, I may be immortal, but I still need to eat and sleep like any other human being, or mortal, I guess.

'Where could my sisters be?' I sighed out loud. Oh wait, I forgot. My name is (Y/N). I am the eldest triplet of my two sisters; Next in line for the throne of hybrids. I'm a hybrid of a demon and a goddess. Yes, yes, it's a long story.

My powers are (your powers can be anything. You can have as many as you want as well). Yeah, you can say I'm overpowered but, hey, that's okay. That's the perks of being half and half.

Anyways, I continued to walk through the cold forest, not knowing anything about where I'm going. "That's it, I'm tired. I'm setting up this thing the mortals call camp." I huffed and sat down on the ground next to a tree.

"Where have you two gone, my dear sisters?" I whispered to myself. I ended up looking at the beautiful full moon knowing my dear sister, the middle triplet, loved how the moon is. I remembered all those fun times we had, growing up together, but we stopped aging, sadly. Why does the magic have to change how we look and everything?

I then sniffed the air. I smell food. Where is it coming from? I got up from my spot, following the smell. I continued to follow until I ended up seeing a nice clearing with a hill, but on top of that was a tavern.

"Should I stay here or should I go over there?" thought to myself. "Hmmmm...I guess why not?" I started walking over to the tavern. Once I walked up the stairs, I felt very strong magic coming from inside. "That's weird, I haven't felt this magic in almost 30 years." I took a deep breath and put my hand on the doorknob, twisting it. However, before I did, I put my (F/C) hood, from my cloak, on. I let the wooden door open with a creak as drunk men were now partying and some were eating. Some were just there. I started to walk inside, hoping I won't get noticed. Back when I was younger we had to use a spell to hide our magic, like a concealing spell.

I walked inside, making my way to a chair, in the front where the ale is. I sat down and kept an eye out just in case. Then, a huge sound was heard. I see a young lady with silver hair. She was wearing a pink shirt, a skirt that was way too short on her, socks that were at different lengths, and different colored shoes. Does anyone know what the word 'symmetrical' means here?

I got off the chair I was on to help her up, "Let me help you there, miss." I guided her to her feet, seeing her one crystal sky blue eye, while the other was covered with her bangs. "T-Thank you so much. I deeply apologize if I disrupted you." the silver-haired girl said. "No, no, it's quite alright," I said to her.

She looked up at me but couldn't see my face due to the shadow that my hood created. "Mmmmmm~ Some scraps!" A pink pig came out of literally nowhere and started eating off the floor where the food had been dropped.

The girl was ashamed that she had dropped her customer's food on the floor. "Hey, don't be so hard on yourself, okay?" I said to her.

"This isn't my first time dropping the customer's food on the floor." She was now gloomy.

"Hey, hey don't be like that," I said in a soft, calm voice.

"Wait, I'm so sorry, I didn't get your order!" She said, panicking a bit.

"It's alright." I laughed nervously and sweat dropped. I then went back to where I was previously sitting. I looked up to see a young, blonde boy. "Aren't you a little too young to be working behind a bar?"

He looked up at me and gave me a smile that was so sweet. "I'm the owner of this fine establishment."

I then doubled sweat dropped. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know." I laughed nervously, once again.

"Anyways, what should I get for you, um, sir or ma'am?" He said while looking at me, trying to see under my hood.

"Well, could I get some (favorite meal) please?"

"Coming right up!" He yelled my order to the chef in the back.

He continued to look at me suspiciously until the same girl from before came up to me. "I'm sorry, I didn't formally introduce myself. My name is Elizabeth." I looked at her left ear, seeing it's a crescent of the royal family. Aw, shit, she's the third princess of Liones.

"It's very lovely to meet you, Princess Elizabeth." I looked up at her, not making eye contact with my (E/C) eyes. She was in shock for a moment on how I figured out that she was a princess.

Well one, I'm a genius. And two, the crescent on her left ear shows it.

That blonde midget then started to interrupt us. Rude much?

"Who are you?" He looked at me, still trying to figure me out, but couldn't.

"Yo, captain, the food's ready." A very tall guy with pale-blue spiky hair came out with my food in his hand.

He placed it down in front of me and looked at the midget. "Did I miss something here?" He asked.

I started to eat, not caring about what's happening. Hey, I'm hungry and tired. I'm gonna eat. I don't care if I'm in the middle of a battle or anything, I'm still gonna eat.

The tall dude kept on asking what was happening to his captain or something. I then started to look around, seeing a board with wanted posters of the group, the Seven Deadly Sins.

My eyes then landed on three other posters. It was my two sisters and mine. I stopped eating and got up from my chair. "Wait, you have to pay." The silver-haired girl said.

I didn't pay any attention to her as I kept walking to the board. I looked at the pictures of my sisters. Oh, how I've missed them dearly.

I took off my hood revealing who I am. My (H/L), (H/C)-hair fell out as I took both of those wanted pictures down from the board. Oh, how bad I wanted to cry, but I didn't. "I see who you are now." The midget said to me.

I stayed silent. "Stay after we close and don't try to leave."

Time skip

After the tavern closed, I was the only one left, sitting next to the board on a table. I sighed to myself.

"Hey." I looked up to see the same blonde boy from earlier.

I stayed silent again. "Not gonna talk, that's alright. By the way, I'm Meliodas." I was shocked for a second and I looked at him with wide eyes. That, my friends, is the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins, the Dragon Sin of Wrath.

"You're the Dragon Sin, aren't you?" I asked.

He nods his head "I sure am."

"Now, tell me what you are doing here, captain of the Sinners and Saints." I looked up at him. Damn, I shouldn't have come here.

What if he could help me find my sisters? All of a sudden, Elizabeth and some other people started to fill in the area. Shit, it's the rest of the Sins.

"I've come in to search for my sisters," I said calmly.

"I thought you three always traveled together," Meliodas said.

"We did until we were falsely accused and had to split up."

"Hey, Cap, that happened to us." A girl with pigtails said, wearing the same uniform as Elizabeth.

"I see. Well, let's look for your sisters together, how about that?" Meliodas smiled at me and reached out his hand.

"You all would really do that?" I started to smile a little.

"Of course, Lady, um...what's your name?" Elizabeth asked.

I looked up at all of them, "My name is (Y/N)" I said to them.

Elizabeth smiled brightly, "It's nice to meet you Lady (Y/N)."

I returned the smile and looked back to Meliodas, his hand still out. I gladly took it and shook it.

"Thank you so much." I smiled brightly. Finally, I'm now going to be able to find my sisters.

Whoop another chapter done djbdeidhidjeix I can't wait to write the other I have so many ideas. Anyways I hope you enjoy and I'll see all of you next time bye-bonniegirlover36

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