Detective in Action

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This is the last chapter all from Giorno's perspective! I hope it's not too bad!

POV. Giorno Giovanna

The ride was dead silent as we all mentally prepared for a possible fight.  Grabbing my phone I open up the email the Detective sent me. I reread all of the information he sent in hopes of getting an idea of who we may be faced against. Leaning back in my chair I look out the window at the buildings passing by. Over time I slowly stopped thinking about the fight and began thinking more about what the Detective said. Is he planning to come and help us? What if he got caught by the enemy? I grew worried as I thought about him coming to help us, but this did make me curious. Does he have a stand? The Detective's been described as a myth of sorts so it would make sense. I wonder what his stand ability would be... I leaned my head against my hand as I thought. Before I knew it the car came to a stop across the street from the building. Looking out the window I could already see the bodies of my gang members strewn across the lawn. Everyone hopped out of the car and slowly crossed the street to the building. We were all on edge as we slowly approached the front door. Bruno tried to turned the handle before finding it locked. He looked over to Mista and motioned for him to kick the door down. Mista wasted no time in pulling out his gun and beginning to kick the door down. It took only a few kicks before the door flew open and we all rushed in. As we did I could hear Mista's gun make a click sound as he aimed at the top of the stairs. When we were all inside we looked up and saw two dark figures stood at the top of the stair case. One of them was extremely tall and from what I could tell he was also quite muscly and the other had what looked like large cloak covering his body with a plague doctor mask on. These must be the stand users! But thinking back to the information the Detective gave me I realise they don't fit any of the descriptions. Then who are they and what could their powers be? Do they even have stands? They have to if they took put all of my men here without being seen. The tall man with strange goggles and a mask coving his mouth turned to look at us. He seemed startled by our entranced but quickly composed himself. As he descended the stairs he spoke in a loud and cocky spunding voice, "Hahaha I can't believe you idiots actually came! This is going to be easier than I thought!". Just as his foot hit the bottom of the stairs and we prepared to attack he darted off towards a door that seemed to leed downstairs. Before I took off after him I looked back to the top of the stairs and saw the other man gone. As I caught up with the gang who had ran after him I told Bruno that the other person had disappeared and to be very wary of his surroundings. When we all got down the stairs we looked out over a sea of boxes and crates. Some were stacked together to create high walls and others were just strewn about the floor. He must have taken us down here so he could hide behind the boxes and barrels and take us out one by one. Leaning closer to the group I start speaking just loud enough for them to hear. "Narancia use AeroSmith to find out where he is hiding." Narancia nodded to me before summoning AeroSmith and searching for the man. It didn't take long until we head Narancia yell out, "I found him!". He wasted not time in shooting at the man and soon the  room was being shot to pieces in an attempt to kill him. But somehow he continued evading the bullets. We saw the man rush behind a large pile of barrels before Narancia informed us that he couldn't see him on the radar anymore. He cheered saying that he finally killed the guy but something felt wrong. Apparently Bruno could feel it too since he wasted no time in speaking up, "Be careful he may still be alive! We don't know what his stand ability is!". Mista nodded as he slowly crept behind the pile with his gun ready to shoot. The second he looked behind the pile he looked back at us before yelling, "He's gone!". Once the words left his mouth we all looked to the door and saw the man standing there. He threw in what looked looked like some type of gas bomb before slamming and locking the door. Bruno and I both ran to the door but it wouldn't budge. Bruno ran over to a wall and quickly made a zipper before  pulling me in and zipping it up. Before I could ask him why he didn't grab the other he explained. "The man threw some type of knockout gas and it had already started to take affect of everyone else so I had to grab you before the gas got to you as well. I nodded to him as thanks before standing up straighter and asking him what we should do next, "The rest of the gang is knocked out so should we leave with them now or try to take on the stand user?". We stood in silence for awhile as Bruno tried to think of the best course of action. "I think we should go after the stand user. If we can catch him I don't think it will be a difficult fight. He tried to run and hide from us so his stand must not be phiscally strong." he looked to me for my opinion once he finished, "I think you're right. It would be better to take him out now before he has more people to help him.". Bruno nodded before making a zipper above us that put us bavk in the main entryway. We made our way up the stairs and to the very back of the building. As we walked we tried to think up a plan to take him down but nothing came up. When we finally reached the door Bruno turned the knob and enter the room, out of the corned of my eye I swear I saw something move but I quickly disregarded it and followed after Bruno. As we entered the room we saw a man leaned up against a table sipping his tea. With the next step I took the floor creaked which caught his attention. "Ah so you finally showed up... slow response time but whatever. At least you're here now." He laughed a little to himself before going right back to his tea. Bruno spoke up before I even thought of anything to say, "Who are you working for Yota, and what do they want from us?!". His voiced was stern and angry as he spoke. Yita raised an eyebrow before smiling slightly, "I'm suprised you know who I am! Well that won't matter soon..." Yota then continued to ignore us and just stood there sipping his tea. "We will us force to get the information if necessary!" once those words left his lips Yota began to laugh softly before it became a full blown histarical laugh. When he  calmed down a bit he stared at us with a smug look on his face, "You idiots really think you can stop me?! Hahaha don't make me laugh! You may be strong but what can you do against someone who can stop time?!". Though I hid my emotions very well it didn't help me feel any less worried. What can we do to defeat him?! I tried to think of something but   no working idea never came to me. As Bruno and I were in deep thought while only partially listening to whatever Yota had to say we were shocked to hear a loud crash behind us. All of our heads snapped in that direction only to see a shattered cup on the ground. Where the hell did that- Just as I turned back to look at Yota I saw the flash of a figure pour something in his drink. Who was that?! I looked to Bruno for any indication he saw it to but there was none. Looking back at Yota I saw him sigh as he rubbed his temple, "How rude... look I'll pummel you two in a moment just let me finish my tea. Don't want to waste such a delicious beverage!". He gulped down his tea and pushed off the table. Suddenly he disappeared and reappeared nect to me. He continued stopping time and harrasing us for ages. My arms had several small and slightly deep cuts on them that were bleeding quite badly. Bruno was in no better shape. I had tensed my body to prepared for the hits but then they stopped coming. Looking up I saw him leaned up against the table as his neck and head spasmed. Bruno and I watched as the man began spasming more and more before his back began arching, but that didn't stop the spasming. Our eyes widened seeing the paniced look on his face as his body moved out of his control. It didn't take long before he lurched forward and vomited on the floor. After he vomited he stared up at Bruno and I in what looked like a mixture of fear and hatred. We watched as he dropped to his knees and began clawing at his throat and chest. His nails caused large gashes in his nect and chest. Finally the clawing stopped and we watched the man dropped to the floor dead. Bruno walked over to check that he was dead before nodding to me and walkigng over. Turning to him I saw his concerned look,  "What do you think caused that Bruno?". Bruno bit his lip as he looked over at the body, "I don't know... whatever it was I'm glad it happened. We may not have survived otherwise.". I nodded before walking out the door with him and down to the basement. There we picked up the gang and brought them back to the car. Once we sat everyone inside the car we walked to the front of the car to hop in before I noticed a small noted. Picking it up my eyes widen and my grip tightens a little on the paper. 'Hey Giogio! Okay so long story short I saved you guys! Come into the chat room tonight and I'll explain! <3'. A tiny smile made it's way onto my face as Bruno walked over and asked me what was on the note. I showed him the note as I spoke, "We were just saved by the Deadly Detective.". His eyes widened a little before he gave a closed eye smile, "I should have guessed with the way this note is frased. I'll have to thank him later.". He handed me back the note before hopping in the car with me not far behind...

Giorno Giovanna x Male OC (Deadly Detective)Where stories live. Discover now