Game Plan?

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Ender's POV.

You never quite realize how little you move around until you injure you leg and can't use it... and nothing changes. Oh my God have I always been this lazy?!

I was currently stuck on my bed doing nothing. Giorno said that the gang would be able to talk later that evening so I was stuck just sitting here.

I mean I should be thinking up our game plan but there's not much to go off of!

Turning to my side I grab my phone and start scrolling through various social media platforms, every now and then I chuckle at something. In about five minutes I'm out of things to do and I'm back to staring at the ceiling. Tossing my phone to the side I close my eyes and think about everything that I've gotten myself into.

Doing business with the Passione turned out to be way more trouble than it was worth...

Don't get me wrong I love the gang but I originally took the job just to get info on them and all I had to do was find some murderer. Instead of the simple job I expected I was hit with a whole mystery involving someone who may know more about me than I'd like.

Maybe I could blackmail some guys to do research for me... that might end up screwing me over since they'd probably be pissed at me. Ughhh what do I do?! This sucks!

Glaring at the ceiling I try to think up a plan so I can help Gior- the gang. Biting my lip I realize that my only course of action I can take is to wait.

As much as I wanna protect them I can't do anything if I don't know anything about this group or their leader.

Dragging myself off my bed I carefully walk to the office and plop down in my desk chair. Doc was hard at work on something as some jazz played from our stereo.

I need to make sure that the next time the gang gets attacked I capture whoever is behind it. I need to get answers out of them if I'm to be of any help.

As I thought about how to get them to my interrogation room I realized a faital flaw.

These guys have stands so how the hell am I gonna-

My head snapped to look at the steel case next to our work table. Inside was that weird serum I created from the stand arrow.

I'm not even sure what it does! I can't rely on something when for all I know it could make the enemy way stronger!

Laying my head on my desk I let out a whine. I wanted to test the serum out really bad but there were a few problems.

1) stand users are dangerous and it would be unsafe to test it on someone who could kill me.

2) I don't wanna test it on the gang because what if it does destroy/weaken stands? That could backfire pretty bad.

3) I don't wanna use this on an innocent stand user (If any exist) I wouldn't wanna hurt some random dude just minding their own business.

Lightly bonking my head against the table I curse myself for having a moral compass when it came to innocent people. Well probably not innocent but close enough.

Checking the time I groan as I realize there was still several hours until the gang would contact me. I rolled over to Doc as he put down his tools. "Hey my guy do you need some assistance?" Doc responded with a nod as I pulled my chair into the table. "So what do we got this time?" Doc turned to look at me as he handed me a small case of Batrachotoxin, "After your fight with Vita I realized that we needed a weapon that will kill our enemies quicker... I was able to get a good bit of Batrachotoxin so I'm working on putting it inside small pellets that you'll be able to shoot at your enemies.". Doc took a deep breath before continuing, "You'll have to be in close range to hit them so this is only for emergencies... also because it is very expensive.". Nodding as Doc explained I pick up one of the vials and swirl it around, "Did you enhance it? I'm pretty sure it already takes only ten minutes to kill a man but that could still be improved.". Doc motioned to the vial he had been working on, "Nice!".

Turning to the vial in my hand I get to work helping Doc enhance all of the vials before switching to putting the serum in the small pellets he had ordered.

Still not sure when the hell he bought these but whatevs


After a few hours of working tirelessly on my new weapon I am met with the all too familiar ding from my laptop. Smiling a bit to myself I roll over to my desk and quickly freeze when I look at my screen. My email I had left open showed a new message simply title 'Well Played'.

"Doc we've got a problem!" without hesitation Doc rushed over as I opened up the email.


Dear Detective,
Well played. I must admit I had underestimated you when I sent Vita to take you down, it was truly foolish of me to take you so lightly. I'll cut to the chase since I know you're a busy man. Stop helping the Passione. If you do I will gladly leave you alone as I have no desire to fight someone such as yourself. Of course if you do keep assisting them I will have to consider you my enemy, I hope you understand. I am doing this all to better the lives of those who live here in Italy, all I want is for us to live in perfect peace without gangs controlling us. You must understand, I just want us to be free! I do hope you consider abandoning the Passione.

Alexei Dmitriev

PS. Thank you for burying Vita. That was very kind of you.

"Fuck he's Russian"

Doc smacked the back of my head as we both re-read the email and wondered what kind of nut case we were fighting.

"I mean at least he's polite I'll give him that, but what kind of guy just flat out tells me his name when I'm a possible threat?" I sighed as I rubbed my temples. Only a few moments later another ding sounded from my computer and I was met with the gang waiting in the chatroom. "Well I guess I don't have to just wait anymore... At least I can do some research."

Giorno Giovanna x Male OC (Deadly Detective)Where stories live. Discover now