† eight †

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" It's your moments decision that shapes your destiny."





My eyes snapped from my book to the source of the noise - Maddy. 

"Maddy! Are you okay?" I asked, concerned.

"Alec. . . he. . ." 

"What did he do? Did he try hurting you again?" I asked, looking her over to see if she was hurt.

"No." She looked at me weirdly, as if the whole thought was impossible. "He asked me to meet him at the clock tower tonight! He gave me a note and everything!" She gushed. 

"What?" I asked, not believing my ears. "Why?"

"He said he wanted to tell me how he really felt. He wrote all this on a piece of paper and left it beside me." Maddy grinned, flashing the piece of paper before my eyes. I grabbed the letter and scanned through it. 


Dear Maddelyn,

When I met you I didn't accept the coming change in my life. I treated you harshly, and there was honestly no excuse for my actions. When I lost you I realized how much you truly meant to me. Despite my behavior and uncaring exterior, I was shattered. I then realized your worth - you were everything I needed. Now that you're back, I never want to lose you again. 

This time your not going anywhere, I won't let you leave me. I want to confess my feelings and tell you how I have truly felt since you jumped into my life. Meet me at the clock tower at midnight and I will tell you everything. 

Yours, Alec.


"Jeez, his handwriting is something. . . " I mumbled after reading the letter. Maddy shot me an annoyed look and I shrugged in return. 

"You don't look too excited." She mumbled, frowning. 

"Madds, I'm still unsure about Alec. What if this is another one of Aro's games? I know you like him and I'd be the happiest person on earth if you find a truthful and loyal mate. Let me go to the clock tower today so I can tell him about the tests. If he agrees without hesitation, then I might just change my opinion about him." 

"Okay, but I want to come along. I'll hide and listen to you two." She smiled. 

"Of course Madds, and I'm sorry for spoiling your first date." I apologized, sheepishly. I never wanted to do this, but I had no choice. It's for Maddy - I can't let her go through the same shit again.

"It's okay Carly. I know your doing it for me and I trust you completely." She replied, making me feel better.

"I'll see you at the clock tower five minutes before he arrives so that we can take our positions." I instructed.

Maddy nodded, disappearing to her chambers.

On my way to my room, I couldn't help but think about Maddy. I know she loves him and she doesn't want this, but I couldn't help it. I didn't want to hurt anyone, but I didn't want her to go through that torture again. I just want to find out if their love was true, or if it wasn't. 

Tempus | Alec volturi | Joel Courtney |Where stories live. Discover now