Cycle of Life

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People are scary.

no really, they are really really scary.

It is like the moment you are born, you must please everyone. You must have all the privileges to be accepted and acknowledged. YOU must be wary of them, OR there will be great consequences. 

First, you have to please your family, all of them, one by one. They don't take no for an answer; you are participated in a marathon race and there is no time to look back. Keep walking, keep pleasing, keep smiling, keep studying, keep being someone you are not, keep smiling, keep being a perfect being.

Don't stop, don't panic, don't hesitate, don't look back, don't trip! oh no, you tripped, it's too late, you are falling back, you have fallen back, you can't catch up, you missed the chance, don't try, don't bother. Just....stop.

I reached the limit where I stopped in the middle of this cycle of life and asked myself, hey, so what if I don't go along the flow? so what if I walk swim against the current? I know it is impossible, but the adrenaline of mixed excitement and pressure somehow... feels good. 

And with this, I swam against the current.

I didn't know that I would drown. I sank down deep and the struggle to go back to the surface was a dream yet to be true.

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