Chapter 1-Introduction

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Authors note: Hey so like i said in my bio, i love The Brasil soccer team. I love reading fanfics and decided to make my own. Ive never done this before so i hope you enjoy :) Also whenever i say football i am refering to soccer. I despise american football haha :P


My name is Natalia Morais. I come from a racially diverse family. My mother is from the U.S and my father is from Brasil, although I havent been there since I was born. Shortly after my birth, my family and I moved to Beaverton, Oregon, U.S.A. My dad has worked for Nike Soccer at the Nike world headquarters ever since. He has the coolest job & has even met some of the worlds best footballers.

"Papai" I yell from the top of the staircase. "Are you ready?? I dont want to be late!"

I hear my dad sigh from downstairs "Natalia I would be ready a lot sooner if you came down here and taught me how to use this thing!" He yells shaking a camera in his hand. I chuckle as I hop down the steps. My father is technologically disabled, thank god he has my mother, I swear she is the only person on the planet who has the time to put up with his nosense. My parents look up when i reach the bottom and smile.

"Nata, you look wonderful." My dad grins. My mother pulls out a tissue to wipe away her tears " I cannot believe our baby girl is graduating high school today!"

I cant stop smiling. I am 18. I have been accepted to university and today I graduate. Today was the first day of the rest of my life. I do one last glanceover of myself in the mirror before dragging my parents out to the car. My long brown curls cascade from under my cap. My bronze skin shining naturally, as I prefer to wear little makeup. I was ready to rock n roll.


After the graduation ceremony my family and I stopped at the Nike headqurters so that my dad had to grab something from his office. The Nike world headquarters (Nike WHQ) is one of the prettiest places I have ever been too. They always have the most colorful flowers and the leaves from the trees scatter the ground, creating a scene out of a movie.

"What is taking him so long, its been 30 minutes!" My mother gorans impatiently.

"No worries mom, I'll go find him." I slide out of the car and begin to wander the campus. I'm still in my dress and wedges from graduation so people passing by give me weird looks. I shake it off, not caring much about what others think. I stroll along the Ronaldo field and stop infront of the Ronaldo statue. Oh how I wish my family could have stayed in Brasil longer before moving here. Dont get me wrong, the U.S is a cool place, but I would love to know more about my culture. I see my father walking with another man, I can hear them talking and they both sound stressed.

"Whats up, papai?" I ask.

"Ahh Nata, this is George Banks. He in charge of orginizing the Brasil world cup team, as they are sponsered by Nike. Many of the Brasilian players wear Nike cleats and we need someone to go meet with those players at their club to set up which of our cleats they will wear in the 2014 World Cup. " My father explains.

"Not just anyone, but someone that can speak portugues and english. Nobody in the Nike soccer department can speak both except your father, however he will be on vacation for the next few months to watch the World cup so that is not an option. " George says shaking his head. "Unless you speak both? Natalia, I have heard nothing but great things about you from you father. I know how pationate you are about futebol, especially Brasil's team. How would you like a summer job? Please say yes, we are desperate."

Both my father and I's jaws drop. My father immediatley responds "Absolultey not! Nata is just a little girl, she knows nothing about the world and travel."

I roll my eyes. This oppourtunity sounds amazing. I refused to pass it up. "Papai, This can be my oppourtunity to discover the world. Or atleast part of it! Youve been saying that I need to get a job. Also i will still be able to make it to Brasil for the World cup with you and mom! I am an adult and I legally dont need your permission so you might as well just say yes..." I reply cheekily.

I can bet anything that my father is mentally swearing at George, but he sighs saying "Nata, you are right. You desevre the oppourtunity. But you must be very careful. I do not need you dating a futebol player!"

Both George and I are estatic, my dad... not so much. I know he will come around eventualy though.


Over the next couple weeks George fills me in on my duties. Most of the Nike-sponsered brasilian players play in europe, so that will be my first stop. I will then conclude my trip in Brasil to watch the World Cup. I couldnt be more excited. The rest of my life was about to start really soon!


Authors Note (A/N): soo That was chapter one... I know it had alot of information and less comentary, but i wanted to give you a clear idea of Natalia. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. I would love feedback so please comment and like :) Again, ive never done this so any way i can improve, would help! Alsooo I am dyslexic, its pretty bad somethimes. So if there are spelling errors I apologize! Please tell me what you think! I will update tomorrow! thanks much :)

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