Chapter 2-Departure & Arrival

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My parents drive me to the airport for my flight to Europe. First stop London! As i read over the player information George had given me, I hear my mother's sniffles from the passenger seat. I sigh and reach forward, putting my hand on her arm. 

"Mom i'll see you in Brasil in two weeks! You have nothing to worry about." I say comfortingly. My words were no help as my mother continued to sob harder.

"Nata don't worry about your mother, i'll take care of her. Now, I want you to have a good time and most importantly be safe, okay?" My dad says as we pull up to the airport. I climb out of the car to give my parents big hugs. I wish I could say I was going to miss them, but honestly, nothing could hide my excitemnet. I grabbed my suitcase and bag that contained the cleat prototypes which I was supposed to show each of the players, then walked into the airport. 


I boarded the plane and found my seats which Nike oh-so-kindly booked for me. "First class baby" I said to myself as I sunk into my comfy seat. While I waited for take off I took note of my surroundings. To my left there was a bald man who was already fast asleep. To my right there were two giggly girls, about my age talking about something on one of their phones. 

"He is just too ca-yute!" I heard one of them gush. "Brasil knows how to make em sexy." I raised an eyebrow and looked over at them. On giggly girl #1's phone I saw a picture of a shirtless Neymar. Oh my god, I thought to myself, typical teenage girls being obsessed with Neymar. Dont get me wrong, I think he is a fantastic player, but you can tell how cocky he is without even meeting him. I bet those girls don't even know anything about his playing style. I shut out the annoying giggles with my white beats and turned the volume up until all I could hear was Shakira serenading me. I love Shakira, Beyonce needs to move over and make room for the real queen. I started off liking Shakira as a jooke, you know, the whole "hips dont lie"phase. But then I listened to her other stuff and since then Shakira has been my go-to pump up music. 

The flight was super long so it gave me plenty of time to think about meeting my idols. It was still so surreal. I double cheked the information sheets from George that had my schedule. First I was meeting with Ramieres, Willian and David Luiz, who was finishing up his last season with Chelsea. The things I would do for Oscar to be Nike sponsered. I wanted to meet him so bad! In my opinion he was just as talented as Neymar, they just had different styles. I would then meet with Julio Cesar at QPR. Then I will fly to France to meet with Thiago Silva, the captain, and Maxwell at PSG. After France I will fly to Spain to meet with the one and only Neymar Jr. I was putting my info sheets away when I noticed one more stop in Europe--Shakhtar Donetsk in Ukraine. Who plays there?? I wondered as I read further. "Bernard Duarte, age 21, striker". I thought I had everyone down but this Bernard guy was news to me. I decided to take a nap and worry about the players in Brasil when the time came.


When I woke up (who knows how many hours later) I was greeted by an incredible view of London. Right on cue the intercom crackled on: "Ladies and Gentlemen we are beginning our desent on London, please make sure all seats are upright, food trays are stored properly, and your seatbelt is on. Thank you very much for flying with us, we hope you enjoy your stay in the beautiful city of London."

Thats when it hit me. I am in London, England. About to meet some of the most inpirational people in my life. This is it!!


Authors Note: Hey! Not as long as the last chapter but once the players start getting involved expect longer chapters :) Thank you so much to the people who viewed my story, voted it, or left comments! That means a lot to me and it is very encouraging :) I had a couple questions for you guys. First, how appropriate should this story be? Im not planning on anything crazyyy but Natalia is 18 which means she can drink in europe/brasil and fool around with the players ;). Let me know where you think the bounderies should be! Next: if you havent noticed, my cover isnt thrilling. If anybody has an idea or design to share, feel free! I will give you all of the creds! Please share this story with anyone else you know! The more people that view or like it, the more I will write and post!! Thank you again so much to those who have read it. I am open to any and all feedback! Thanksss :)

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