Chapter 3

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Claire's POV

I couldn't believe it. My secret admirer had been Greg. Greg walked up to me and grabbed my hands. "You told me that you didn't believe I loved you, so I decided to take my time and prove it to you. It was Wendy's idea." I was in complete shock and didn't know what to say. "I wanted to show you how much you matter to me." I pulled my hands back and started backing away from him. "Greg, I have to go. I need to think about this for a while." Greg looked so innocent and he took a deep breath before answering me. "Okay." Few days later, Greg was in the locker room getting ready go to the lab. He closes his locker and walks out of the locker room. I run walk by him and smile at him. He smiles back, but it wasn't that smile that I look forward to everyday. I turn and see him walk to the lab. He had his vest on, so he might be going and talking to Wendy. My heart hurt for him and I knew why. I had completely rejected him and now I felt bad. Riley comes walking in and stops by the lab. I watch as Greg smiles and hands her results. They were sharing smiles and fist bumping. I felt my heart break and that's when Greg looked at me. His brown eyes stared at me and he winks at me. Typical Greg. Nick and Warrick walk up to me. Warrick crosses his arms over his chest. "So, why do I feel like you are jealous of Riley?" "Cause I am. She gets his smile when she comes in and I get fake smile." Nick shakes his head.

Greg's POV

I haven't been myself due to the rejection and her not speaking to me much. My heart hurts and she still drives me crazy. Riley keeps talking about me taking her out, but I'm more interested in kissing Claire. Maybe that's what she means. It's been a while since our first kiss. I look at Riley and Wendy talking. I can't hear what they are saying, but I just slowly take off my jacket. I walk to the lab doors and start walking over to Claire. Everyone was busy doing their job, but my heart had other plans. Nick and Warrick saw that I was coming up. "Hey Greg. Do you have my" I stepped close to Claire and she hid her face. I tilted her face up to mine. I stare at her and then, I kiss her. I passionately kiss her and my hands wrap around her waist. We take a break from the kiss. She looks at me, dumbfounded. "See you after work." I wink at her and look at Nick then Warrick, who were both shocked. "You results are ready. Whenever you want them." I turned and walked back, put my left hand in my pocket, my right hand covered my mouth and then, I just smiled. Wendy was smiling at me, but Riley was extremely pissed. Riley had bumped harshly into me and left the lab. I look over at Wendy and smile again. "She's smiling like crazy, you know?" "I know." I look over at where I just left and see her smiling at me. I wink at her again and got back to work. Nick and Warrick came in the lab to grab their results from their evidence. "What in the world was that?" "Yeah, where did that come from?" I smile boyishly and laugh. "I don't know. I kept repeating in my head what she said the first time. 'You haven't shown me why you love me'. Apparently, it takes two kisses to get it out." They laugh with me and I hear a loud bam. I looked up and took my jacket off again. Me, Nick and Warrick ran to the locker room. We see Riley had slamme Claire into the lockers. She was screaming at her. "You are such a damn slut!" Claire, surprisingly, got up and held her fist up. "I'm gonna take you down." Claire doesn't answer, but closes her eyes. She then opens them and right as Riley was throwing the punch, Claire took her hand with palm facing Riley. Let's just say Claire won that fight. Riley is on the ground holding her stomach and Grissom runs to where we are all at. "What's going on here?" I go over to Claire and check to see if she was good. "You good? Need water or something?" Claire shook her head no and went over to Grissom. "Riley pulled the last straw, Griss. She attacked me because of mine and Greg's new relationship. So, I put her in her place." She walks to her locker and hands Grissom her things. "Here. I can leave right now." Grissom looks at how blunt she is and looks at Riley, who is trying her hardest to convince everyone it was Claire's fault. "No, Claire. Keep your things. You and Greg need to clock out. I want to talk to you two tomorrow. Right now" He looks over at Riley and frowns. "Riley, bring your things and meet me in my office." Riley shakes her head and grabs her things. She walks out of the room and Grissom told everyone to go back to work. I look at Claire, who is calmly grabbing her keys and jacket, walk by me. I grab her arm and she stops. She looks at me and smiles. "Come on, Romeo." I grab my jacket and keys, then follow her outside. "So, since we are off pretty early, wanna get a drink?" She smiles and we walk to the club we went to the first time we hung out. I stood at the bar and ordered a beer. "So, you got any other tricks up your sleeve?" I look at her when I take a drink of my beer. I smirk at her and walk away to the DJ. She is watching me and Alex bends down. "What's up my man?" "Nothing much. You gotta slow one to rela to?" He checks his playlist and gives me a thumbs up. "Good. Play it in a few minutes." He thumbs me up again. I walk back over to Claire. "Wow. What did you pick this time?" "DJ chose this one." I smile and laugh when I hear the beginning of it. A real good love song. "Wanna dance?" She smiles and sets her beer down. "Sure." I lead her out to the middle of the dance floor and I have us swaying perfectly to the song. "Mr. Big. Nice choice." Greg smiles and places his forehead on hers. They dance straight through the entire song and Greg finally felt at peace with what he was battling for.

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