Chapter 6

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Claire's POV

Greg's family was really nice to me and his mother showed me pictures of him when he was little. "Oh, mom, come on. I was twelve." I laugh at the photo of him wearing a Marilyn Manson shirt and wearing the old school headphones while sleeping. "He hated when we took pictures." "Cause it was never family pictures. Only embarrassing memories." His mother slapped his hand and continued showing me photos. I would glance up at him and he smile at me. He laughed and his father came in the room. "So, Claire, what are you doing in Vegas?" "I work with your son, Sir." "Please, don't call me sir. Too formal. That's business and this ain't business. This is family. Call me, Daniel. Hopefully, you'll call me Dad." He laughed while nudging Greg. Greg started blushing and it made me laugh. His mother asked me some questions. "So what was your childhood like?" "My mother cared for me. She told me to chase my dreams, but my father didn't want a child in his life and he left when I was born." Daniel looked at me and shook his head. "That's not a father's job. You are supposed to do." Greg's mother, who I believe is Jessica, covers her mouth. "How did your mother do it?" I smile thinking about my mother and just answer. "She did it with working two or sometimes three jobs. She never married anyone else cause she believed you fall in love with one person. If she had cried, I had never heard her." Greg smiles and winks at me. The phone rings and there's a knock on the door. "Well, you guys are staying for dinner so, you guys get a break for awhile, but don't go too far." I laugh and look at Greg, who is infatuated with me, he comes over to me and whispers in my ear. "Come with me." He smiles and holds out his hand. I take it and he walks us outside in the backyard. "Okay, is this where you cut me up and bury me alive?" Greg turns and looks at me and laughs. "No. Okay, I have better standards than that." We walk for what seems like forever, but he leads us to a gazebo that his father was bragging about at the house. It had a view of Vegas and it was beautiful. I was too busy looking out at Vegas to know what Greg was doing.

Greg's POV

I lead her to the gazebo my dad told me about and he was right. It was a beautiful spot and I hope Claire likes what I am about to do. I lean against the entry way of the gazebo and take out the box I had in my pocket. I opened it and looked at the ring. I was studying it and looking at her. Is she going to reject me? What will I do if she says yes? My thoughts were broken when I heard her start talking and I quickly hid the box. She turns and looks at me. "Are you going to take this view in with me?" "Yeah, I will. I just got to do something first." She smiles and turns away again. I then decide that now was the time. I get down on one knee, take out the box and wait for her to turn around again. "You know, you dad is a brilliant man, I can see why your mother loves him." She turns around with a big grin on her face. She immediately looks at me and what I am doing. Her mouth closes and she grabs the railing. "This spot is perfect and you are, too. I have fallen in love with you for two years. I have been battling my decisions and I have finally decided. I remember last night when you told me that you wanted to marry me and have my children. I was in shock, not because I didn't want to, but because I had already decided to ask you. You just made it even more easier for me. I want to pend the rest of my life with you in my arms. So, Claire Logan, will you do the honor in marrying me?" She looked at me shocked and smiling widely. She moved from the railing and shook her head at me. I stood up and walked closer to her. I took out the ring and put it on her finger. She touched it and then looked at me again. "You make me so happy, Greg-o." We kissed each other and walked back to my parents' house. When we entered through the back door, we were greeted with my father and mother followed by a couple of long distance family members, who were just leaving. My mother turns and looks at Claire, who is blushing, she smiles and walks her over to the table. "Okay, Claire you sit here." We all sit down and start eating when my mother just starts screaming. "Oh! Oh! Daniel! Look at her finger!" My dad leans over the table and looks at the ring. "Greg. Does this mean what I think it means?" I laugh and shake my head. My parents get up and hug me. I feel like I'm suffocating and Claire is laughing. "Let's settle down and eat. We don't want our food to get cold." We start eating and Claire is enjoying every minute of my parents funny stories of me. I laugh a bit and then watch Claire laugh with my mother about me trying to impress girls. My father then throws in some of dumb questions about becoming a man. I just hide my face with hands and laugh. We helped my mother with the dishes and then we headed to our apartment. When we reach our apartment, I start to open the door when Claire slides in front of me. "Mr. Sanders, are you tired?" I look at her and laugh. "Maybe, why?" She makes a sad face and I see her eyes that are full of lust from earlier before we left. "Well, I mean I will be tired, you know, after." I wiggle my eyebrows at her and she opens the door with her hand. She grabs me by hand and pulls me in. When I close the door, she drags me to our bedroom and pushes me down. She gets on me and runs her fingers through my hair. That's enough to take me over and I flip us over. She looks at me and I just lay her back down. "My turn." She shakes her head and I continue kissing her. We stop to strip down to nothing and I continue taking over. She doesn't like to be patient with me running my fingers over every part of her body. I hear her moan my name in urgency and that's when I make love to her.

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