жжжЖ Epilouge Жжжж

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Тhe silver weeping willow creaked and crooked as its branches swayed in the wind. Its vines rustled against my skin as I swung back and forth on a wooden swing I built with my father one cool autumn afternoon. This tree was my means of escape as a child, and now it's a place I find myself reminiscing about the little responsibilities or worries we have as children.
Everything was so much easier back then. I remember hiding from Klaus in this very willow tree because I was afraid of his dog, Chester. All of the buried treasures I hid under the roots of the tree, only to find the hole reopened by Chester the next morning. I remember every book I read under the shade of the tree. My first kiss with Klaus and our initials carved into the silver bark with his pocket knife. I remember the time I cried because I had lost my mother's locket.
Sometimes, I wish time could rewind, so I could relive my childhood, and forget.
Loud barking and Klaus screaming my name was what brought me back to the reality of my life now. The castle was getting invaded, and a coup against my crown is in place. I close my eyes tightly to prevent tears from falling, because if I started to cry now I knew I wouldn't be able to stop.
Get ready for a new story !!! Can't wait for you to get you attached to the characters and watch you react as the story unravels!!!
P.S... I'm sorry if this story causes any emotional harm or anything. I just want my characters to be as truthful and realistic as possible.

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