жжжЖ Chapter 1 Жжжж

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I knew what I had to do; we had gone over the plan extensively if the castle were ever to get invaded by Prince Orozev. I knew what the scholars were pressuring me to do. They were forcing me to give in to some ruthless prince, and just hand over my crown, my country, and my kingdom.

The only issue with that is, I am my own queen, and the only way to survive this court is to draw out your daggers.

"Czarina!!!!" Klaus screamed my name out, with Chester alongside him barking as if he too were yelling. The wind was blowing against us, each gust of wind stronger than the next as if somehow it knew the severity of what was about to happen. As they got closer, I slowly stood up, out of my swing. Wondering if this would be the last time, I would see the silver weeping willow.

Klaus then gave me a look, an expression that told me all I needed to know. His gaze studied me; his hazy green eyes searched my face for a sign, a symbol to tell him I was alright. But I most definitely was not alright. I was about to break. Then Klaus spoke the words I've been dreading to hear as softly as he could. "He's here."

"I know" I told him.

"What are you going to do?"

"I am going to sit in my throne and wait for him to come to me, and we are going to speak like civil people."

"You and I both know that Prince Orozev is nothing but civil." Klaus said rather menacingly. "Czarina run away with me. We could leave all of this behind, you would be safe."

"But my country would fall into the wrong hands."

"When will you stop putting others lives before you, if you do this you'll die!"

"And I'm willing to take that risk. You wouldn't understand, Klaus. You weren't raised with a country placed on your shoulders. Which is why, I have to do this."

"Fine." Klaus said, I knew he didn't agree with me, but I needed to do this, I couldn't just run away from my duty. I'm the last of my bloodline, and some people don't want me as Queen.

As we walked through corridors and secret passageways. I tried to formulate a plan, and use knowing the castle like the back of my hand as an advantage. When we finally reached the throne room, I took a seat and raised my chin up and put on my poker face.

"Klaus, give me your dagger."

"What?! What are you planning?"

"Just give it to me."

"Alright. But I'm not going to leave you here alone."

"I know and neither will my guards. I just need it as a precaution."

He handed me his dagger, and then took my hand and looked at me with utter confusion.

"Tell me your plan Czarina, please."

"I don't have one."

Klaus finally released my hand and backed away as soon as a loud bang broke open the iron bolt on the wooden doors. Which caused Chester, Klaus's Doberman, to growl. Under the doors arch stood Prince Orozev. He was dressed for battle. With fighting leathers and a simple, yet brutal sword strapped at his side. I couldn't help but notice his dark cobalt black hair and piercing grey eyes. His face was not at all unflattering with his sharp jaw and cheekbones as he smirked and strutted up to me. As if he took joy in my suffering.

"I take it you're not giving up without a fight." He said arrogantly.

"Prince Orozev, you are getting nowhere near my crown. As I am the rightful ruler of this kingdom."

"Please, call me by first name Damyan, I have your castle surrounded, no one is getting in or out. Which means sooner or later people in here will starve. So, I suggest you make it easier by surrendering your reign to me."

I stood from my throne and walked straight towards Damyan. My anger overtaking my senses. What am I doing? I am going to get myself killed! I walked up to him until we were inches away.

"Never" and spat in his face.

The Queen of Bones and DaggersМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя