La Famiglia [Platonic!Angel Dust x Male!Reader] I

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Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of The Hazbin Hotel Project! In the last segment, there was a contest to see what should I write about next  and the votes are in: My Hero Academia! 

In fact, it's already posted on my profile under the title [my hero academia] Hall of Fame [various x reader ]. If you could stop by and provide comments, votes, and even suggestions, that would be amazing! And speaking of amazing, this story has reached another milestone. Since it's publication, there have been over 80,000 views with 1.5k in votes and 656 comments. 

Thank you guys. I seriously couldn't have made it this far without your support. So without further ado, let the show begin! :)

Arackniss knew he was a double-crossing asshole and the only one who couldn't refuse a request from the old man. Granted, he was only the second-in-command of their criminal enterprise it was just a matter of time before his father stepped down from his pedestal to pass the reigns down to the slightly younger gangster. He wasn't in any rush to become a powerhouse in Hell just yet; if anything, the spider demon wanted to savor his freedom just a little longer before being chained to ongoing 'business' meetings, constant piles of paperwork, and being unable to keep a closer eye on his little brother.

The bottom line: Angel Dust was a drug-addicted nutcase who made far too many enemies [and lovers] in the time they 'lived' in this shithole, and there was only so much Arackniss could do to protect his sorry ass. Thankfully, his older sister Molly didn't cause much trouble for him. The polar opposite of Angel, she was running a successful beauty salon in a profitable area of the Pentagram and kept in touch whenever she had a chance. Then there was their cousin from the material side of the family, [First Name] [Last Name].

The boy was intelligent and talented, there was no doubt about that. But that hardly did Arackniss any good considering the fact the boy used those traits for... other pursuits. Pursuits that someone like him from a family like theirs shouldn't even be thinking about. Yet he was the top of his game at it and practically stole his customer's wallets.

The spider demon pounded his fist on his desk in a fit of rage. Damn it! He just had to take after Angel, didn't he?! The shitty bastard took off without warning and decided to humor a pampered princess's daydream. If that wasn't bad enough, he got way too close to their cousin. If he had just stepped in when they were growing up, [First Name] might actually be utilizing his passion and intellect for something useful.

Angel Dust broke everything he touched. He sure as hell did a bang up job of screwing up their cousin's head. Now the kid has his brain up in the clouds and talking to him won't work one bit.

The exhausted demon sighed heavily, running a gloved hand over his face. Well, the damage was already done. Try as he might to bring [First Name] back from the proverbial 'dark side' and be a normal, upstanding member in the family, Arackniss knew his cousin would never forgive him. He loved what he was doing. Plus he had kept his promise to never get involved in drugs or any scandalous activity that would bring disgrace to either him or Molly.

His little brother, on the other hand... well, he'd gotten an interesting phone call from the Happy Hotel regarding his recent behavior. Angel had been trying to stay clean and had for some reason insisted on going out by himself on Friday evenings for the last month. Arackniss wasn't born yesterday; he knew what was going on, and there was no way he would allow the little fucker anywhere near [First Name]. Not now. In two weeks Swan Lake would be his cousin's crowning debut on the stage. If all went well and there wasn't any mishaps between now and opening night, the theater would be packed with patrons and business partners alike. A gold mine that would be extremely beneficial for both parties.

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