The new friend

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I was walking down the street to a local donut place I had found, bobbing my head to the music I was playing through my headphones. It was songs I listened to in America, I wanted a taste of home. "Hey! Wait up!" I turn, slipping my headphones around my neck to see Midoriya. "Yo' Midoriya! It's been a good minute since I last saw you. How you been?" He catches up, breathing heavily. "I've been good, how about you?" I shrug. "Better than I deserve. I did accidentally stab my hand with a pen." I say, holding up my hand to show the band aid. "I had went to lay back down and I didn't realize that the pen I was drawing with was still clicked, and my hand pressed really hard into the tip. It hurt. Ah! I'm rambling. Sorry." I shook my head. "Only two weeks here and I've already made a friend." Midoriya looks at me funny. "Two weeks?" I nod. "I moved from America to go to UA, since I've been told my quirk is super strong, and I've wanted to be a hero all my life." He nods. "What is your quirk? You seemed to have many when you saved me." I sigh. "Its called Infinite. If I press my palms together like so," I pressed my hands together. "I can use any quirk I think of. The downside is that my nose stays runny and I get nosebleeds at random." I say, wiping my nose on the back of my hand, starting to walk backwards. "Now, you're probably thinking, "That's a really weak drawback for that quirk!" And I get it, but when I say nosebleeds, I mean that blood gushes out of my nose for 10 minutes, and it sucks." I say. "Anywho, anything on your mind you wanna converse about?" I ask. "Do you like pro heros?" He asks timidly. I stop walking, lowering my head, a shadow covering my face. "L-liz?" Midoriya says, fear obvious. I lift up my hands, pressing them together to use shapeshift: I can shift any part of my body into anything. I shift my face into All Mights. Lifting my head I enthusiastically yelled, "I AM HERE!" then started laughing at myself after turning back. "Okay, that was a great impression! Teach me how to do that!" So for the rest of the way to the small shop, I taught midoriya how to sound like the symbol of peace.

I think I just made my first friend.

The girl with everything [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now