The nightmare

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It was dark. It was cold. I was scared. I looked around frantically. "Hello?" I called out. There was nothing. Suddenly, a light flashed on in front of me. I squinted, shielding my eyes. I looked around the now lit room. I was back in the lab... Tears pricked my eyes as I gripped my arms. "No..." I whispered. Dr. Brenner walked in, holding his clipboard. (If you get that you get a cookie) I shook my head. "No!" I said, louder this time. "Come now 006, it's time." He said. The room faded out, coming back in. The rooms walls were a tan color, the door had a window, and many locks. "H-hello?" I said. I turned. There was Alex, on the floor in her hospital gown. "No!" I yelled, falling to my knees as tears fell. I couldn't save her... Brenners worker grabbed me by my arms, keeping me still as the bastard injected something into my neck as I screamed. "There. That wasn't so bad, was it?" I curled up into a ball, tears flowing down my cheeks as it went black again. "Liz..." A voice faintly said. I looked around, still dark everyone. "Hello?" I asked, my echo repeating. "Liz." It said again. I stood, wiping my face. "Hello? Where are you?"

I shot up in bed, my little brother Hibiki and my mom right beside my bed. "Sissy, are you okay?" Hibiki asked. I nodded, looking around. "You were crying in your sleep, what happened?" My mom asked. I gulped, taking a deep breath. "N-nightmare." I stuttered out. Hibiki crawled onto the bed, wrapping his little 6 year old arms around me. "It's okay sissy, you're safe at home." He had no idea about the lab, but he still knew how to make me feel safe. I smiled, hugging him as my mom hugged me from the side. "Do you want your cat?" My mom asked. She was referring to the cat stuffed animal she got me when she adopted me. I shook my head. "I have something better, Hibiki!" I said, laying down while holding him as he giggled. "I'll stay with sissy! Don't worry mommy!" He smiled his tiny smile, my heart clenching. "You are to cute!" I said, booping his nose as my mom smiled. "Well, it seems like you too are ready to go back to bed." She said. Hibiki nodded, yawning. "Do you want to watch a movie until you fall asleep?" I asked. He nodded, smiling as he shimmied under the blanket with me. I smiled, turning on Ponyo, his favorite movie. "Goodnight my little sleepy beans." Hibiki giggled as I smiled. "Goodnight mommy!" "Night mom." I looked down at my loving little brother. His smile was wide as he watched Ponyo. 'What did I do to deserve you guys?' I thought, closing my eyes as I gave into slumber again.

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