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"Business partner?" I ask glaring at the Italian opposite me. So far all he has done is flirt with me, call me a slut and now he is ruining my reunion with Leo.

"Chris is the CEO of the New York contingent." Leo explains and Chris smirks at me.

"It is nice to meet you officially Frankie." Still holding my hand Mr DeLuca lifts the back of my hand to his lips. He presses a gentle kiss against my skin and there is no fighting the blush that takes over my face. I do my best to school my expression as I wrench my hand from his grasp.

"You too, Mr DeLuca." I say with a polite smile cuddling further into Leo's side.

Mr DeLuca looks between Leo and I in disgust before his lips once again tug up into a smirk.

"Please, call me Chris."

"Ok well, can we get going?" Leo asks taking my hand in his. He holds my duffle in his other hand and the three of us walk out of Heathrow Airport and slide into the awaiting limo.

"You are really going all out QB. I didn't need such fancy treatment." I say as the limo starts to move.

"This is me now Cheer." Leo says with a smirk on his face similar to Christian's.

"Not the sweet carefree QB from Jackson anymore huh?"

"Not quite." Leo laughs. "But I'll always be that guy with you Frankie. We will always have Mississippi Cheer."

Leo and Christian begin discussing business. Meeting, accounts, HR problems etc. and I tune out turning my attention back to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. It isn't until Leo's phone rings and I feel Christian's eyes burrowing into my skull that I look up again.

"Good book?" Christian asks.


"Maybe I should read it." Christian mulls and I struggle between trying to ignore him and complete and utter surprise that someone hasn't already read it.


"I said maybe I should read it."

"I heard you. What kind of moron hasn't read Harry Potter?"

"Be careful who you are calling a moron kitten." Christian growls his voice too low for Leo to hear.

"Seriously though! It is a classic! There is no possible excuse you could have for not reading Harry Potter."

"Now you have started it." Leo laughs as he hangs up his phone. "If there is one thing Frankie is passionate about it is her books, especially Harry Potter. How many times have you read it Cheer?"

"Fifty at least."

"I think you need to find a better way to spend your time." Christian comments. "What is you do anyway?"

"She's an actress." Leo says proudly before I can answer and Christian raises an eyebrow in question.

"Aspiring actress, I mainly write." I clarify.

"Nonsense! She has been on Broadway." Leo says and I don't have the heart to correct him.

Technically yes, I have been on Broadway however I have never made it into an actual cast. That doesn't mean I'm not performing, I'm just not performing where Leo thinks I am.

"I'll have to see your next play." Christian says and the way he looks at me I know he has me all figured out.

I avert my gaze instead looking out at my surroundings. I notice that we are leaving the city centre.

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