Part 3

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"What's going on?" Gerald asked.
"Helga is being nice." Arnold said.
"Seriously? But she's Helga G Pataki."
"Stop doubting her please."
"I believe you, I'm just surprised.
I don't know if it's suspicious or relieving either, but just don't act suspicious."
"Thanks Gerald."
Oh no... I left the egg downstairs. I have to get it before Arnold comes back.
Helga went back to go get the egg.
Oskar, the annoying, lazy, selfish slob of the boarding house had the egg for some reason.
"Oskar! Give me the egg back!" Helga demanded.
Oskar laughed. "Why should I?" He asked.
"Because it's for my project with Arnold.
Arnold came back downstairs. "What's going on?" He asked.
"Oskar took the egg because YOU left it downstairs." Helga said.
"What?" Arnold said, confused."
"IT'S YOUR FAULT!" Helga snapped. She was being nice for too long. She tried her best but she has just been habitually mean to Arnold for so long that she couldn't go the whole project without scowling.
"Why are you saying this?" Arnold asked.
"Look, I'm sorry. I spent so much time trying to be nice, that outburst I had was building up inside of me." Said Helga.
"Why do you have to so mean anyway?" Arnold asked.
"Because I'm scared. So I had to hide the fact that... I care about you. I more than care about you.
I really, really like you.
I fact, I love you.
Also, I lied about my house being remodeled. I didn't want you to come over to my house because I don't want you to be exposed to what goes on there.
I just want to get along for once."
"I knew you had a soft side. And I want to know everything about it. You are an amazing girl, I know it."
Arnold then hugged Helga. And instead of pushing Arnold away, Helga hugged back even tighter.
"I realized that I've always loved you. I just didn't realize until now." Arnold said.
"Okay, you lovebirds can have the egg back." Oskar said.
Helga and Arnold went back upstairs to watch over the egg.
Suddenly, the egg started to hatch.
"The egg is hatching!" Arnold said excitedly.
Then, a little chick came out of the shell.
"The little chick is so cute!" Said Helga.
"Not as cute as you." Arnold said.
Fast forward to their presentation...
"We got along very well and out egg hatched." Arnold concluded the presentation.
"I'm so touched. You two get an A+.
After school....
"How's you and Arnold?" Patty asked.
"We're a thing. Our project went so well." Helga said.
"I'm glad. I ship you two."


Egg Story RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now