𝟷. 𝚠𝚑𝚢 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜...

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TW: use of homophobic language
This is a rewritten version of Falling Stars and I am striving to make this more angsty and less sad because i don't wanna be sad right now.

Ernesto does not think Forks, Washington is the place for him.

It has been over four weeks since moving to Forks in all its vibrant, gloomy glory; however,  it was not what Ernesto thought it would be. He did not prepare for how bored he'd be.

Ernesto was so bored he started to flirt with anyone who came his way.

Forks High School had limited options and he inspected every opportunity with mock interest. But not realizing the aftershock of whispers he was sending out.

Of whispers giving him labels without permission. Putting words in his mouth which he happily spits out when asked.

Man whore. When he spoke to Lilly a gorgeous girl with a joyous laugh and killer sense of humor.

Faggot. When he spoke to Casso a cute outspoken football player and history nerd.

No. Bisexual. Homophobic pieces of shit.

Even the grand opening of the family's flower shop at the end of the week could not lift his mood. Though of course the entire high school population did not harness these views and the seemingly majority kept their eyes and judgments to themselves, the few foul-mouthed and narrow-minded declared their disapproval and disgust in loud harsh tones.

Ernesto decided that evening while walking home from school sporting a menacing glare after being verbally harassed in the gym locker room, that he was going to go out tonight.

He had punched a senior boy who stated he felt uncomfortable with Ernesto in the same changing room as them.

Ernesto did not hesitate to break the motherfucker's nose and then run off of the school campus. Missing his ride with his brother.

He could have handled things better but he just did not want to. He was irritated and had had enough.

After he managed arrive home in ten by jogging. He headed into his room, showered, and waited for his brother to announce he was going out with Julian to a party his parents had made clear he was not allowed to go to.

Lucky for Ernesto their parents were out of town to pick up some finishing touches for the shop.


Currently, Ernesto was making out with a random girl at the reservation party. Though as cruel as it sounded, he was bored. The girl's wet tongue was sloppy and he was not enjoying himself. How his brother got invited to party in La push was beyond his knowledge but all he knew was there was alcohol and Ernesto felt like shit.

He had had enough. In a swift movement, Ernesto pushed the girl off of him and left the humid bathroom. Ignoring the surprised 'oh' and began to head back into the backyard where the mass body of hormonal and wasted teens was dancing or making out.

Moving towards the sound of Julian laughing in the middle of the yard sitting around a campfire surrounded by his newly made senior friends and tried to hold back his jealousy.

It has been four weeks and Ernesto had yet to make any friends. Though it was mostly his fault for rejecting all advances except the ones made purely to get in his pants. Those he welcomed. Savored. And then let go.

Tapping the side of Julian's shoulder ignoring the look Julian's new bud Oscar gave him.

"Give me my cigarettes."

Reluctantly, Julian reached into his pocket with a sense of pity knowing Ernesto only smoked when he was feeling bad for himself. Julian held on to them just in case the party was crashed and somehow they got caught, they were better off with him since he was 18.

Ernesto gave him a grin and slapped his back a little harder than necessary.

"Thanks, sport," Ernesto exclaimed roughly before walking away to hide in a corner somewhere.

Ernesto chose to sit in a lawn chair towards the side of the house where it was bare except for a few guys sitting around a small table awkwardly sipping their beers.

Ernesto let out a tried sigh as he sat down. Stretching out his back with a pleased groan. He'd been so pumped up on adrenaline that he did not notice the deep aching in his tense bones.

Taking out a cigarette and placing it in his mouth, Ernesto tried lighting it with his lighter, only for it to splutter and go out. He tried multiple times before accepting that it was empty.

"You got to be fucking kidding me," Ernesto growled out as his last bit of patience left his body.

He sat up completely ready to raise hell.

Fuck this stupid cold rainy ass town.

Fuck his parents for moving him away from a town he had actual friends in.

Fuck this stupid fucking lighter that-

his thoughts were interrupted by a soft voice hovering over him.

"Hey, you need a light?"

Ernesto looked up, eyebrows furrowed in irrational anger. The boy was timidly standing in front of him with a box of matches in his hand. His long dark hair was pin straight framing his face. Bundled up in a thick jacket instead of the lighter clothing option people usually wore at parties. Contrasting the black long sleeve and dark washed jeans Ernesto wore.

Ernesto finally looked up to the boy's eyes and gave him a confused look but happily took the box of matches from his palm.

He quickly lit his cigarette and inhaled letting out a satisfied sigh. He handed them back to the boy before offering him a cigarette. Ernesto noted his blushing cheeks as he refused.

"Thanks, man," Ernesto leaned his head to the side nodding his head towards the other two boys blatantly staring at them from afar,"Your friends?"

"Uhh yeah, I saw you needed a you know and uh well I'm Embry".

Embry looked away shly unsure what to say to the insanely cute boy in front of him acutely aware of his friends as their eyes bore into his back. Not being able to help the way he skipped over his words. Mentally cursing Jacob in his head for convincing him to go over and talk to the stranger.

"Ernesto," Ernesto responded after a few seconds.

He blew the smoke away from the boy before giving him a knowing gaze.

"So are you gonna ask for my number or just stand there and look pretty?"


So much has been happening and I haven't had time like I thought I would to write but I did want to update at least something. I know this is fast but I am an impatient person and wanted them to meet early on.

Also more importantly I want to mention the BLM movement and how significant it is that everyone is actively involved with it. Signing petitions and if you can donating and educating yourself. These are human rights we're advocating for.

If you do not support the movement you can go ahead and leave my fic and be a racist ignorant person somewhere else. I do not want you here in my story.

I mean it. Leave.

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