Sleepover Pt.1

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A/N~ In this chapter it talks about self harm, abuse, and ending your life (AKA suicide) so if you're sensitive to those topics then please skip this chapter. Let me know how this book is going so far. Enjoy!


When we walk up to Aph's house we are greeted to a little girl maybe a year younger than Ayana. (BTW sense Jeffery was there and he also found out that Ayana was around Abby's age he decided to bring Abby so Ayana would have someone to play with). When we walk into the living room I was immediately pulled into a game of truth or dare while Ayana and Abby decided to go play tag in the backyard. I was in my own train of thought when suddenly I heard, "Y/N, truth or dare?" Aphmau said. I say truth. "Ok Y/N, how old were you when you had Ayana?" Aphmau said. "I was 17 when I had Ayana" I answered. "Travis, truth or dare?" Travis replied with dare. "I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with Katelyn" I said. "Hell yeah!" Travis shouted. Katelyn didn't like the idea of staying in a closet with Travis for seven minutes.

Travis's POV

Katelyn, and I were sitting in a closet while  awkward silence filled the air. I wanted to break the silence so I used a pick up line. "If you were a triangle, you'd be acute one" I flirted. "Travis could you just shut up!" Katelyn snapped. "I don't like you!" Katelyn snapped again. I could feel tears going down my cheeks as I put my had to my arm and just go over the cuts on my arm made by me because, I don't really know how to be romantic so the only way I know is through pick up lines, and flirting. All I want is for Katelyn to be happy, and if me being gone will make her happy then I'll leave this world only if it makes her happy. 

Katelyn's POV

"Travis I'm sorry for snapping at you I know you don't deserve that I just really hate pick up lines, so I'm sorry" I said. I grabbed his wrist to help him up to give him a hug only for him to yelp in pain, so I took out my phone, turned on the flashlight, and rolled up Travis's sleeve to find MULTIPLE cuts. I started crying thinking I caused this. "Travis why, why didn't you tell me" I said. Travis didn't say anything, he just looked at the ground and started crying with me. Then all of a sudden I kissed Travis, not only because it would make him feel better, but it also felt right. After about a couple of seconds of kissing it then turned into a heated make out session.


Seven minutes was up so I went upstairs and opened the closet to find Katelyn and Travis making out. "Travis I want nieces and nephews" I said. XD. "Y/N!" Travis yelled. I started laughing while running down the stairs so we could continue to play truth or dare. We went around the circle and it was my turn again so I chose truth and dare (yes in my story there's an option to choose both) "Y/N, what happened to the father of Ayana? Aph said. I look at the ground and tell them that he is in jail for abuse. I then show them multiple bruises on my arms and face. Travis and Katelyn were coming down the stairs at that very moment and let me tell you he looked BEYOND pissed. "Y/N, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SO I COULD BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF HIM!" Travis yelled. I started to cry because I don't like to be yelled at because of my autism (true fact btw) then all of a sudden Ayana came up the basement stairs. "Because uncle Travis daddy said that if mommy or I told anyone he would kill us" Ayana said. After that whole situation was resolved we went back to playing truth or dare, and Abby and Ayana went back down to the basement to play whatever it was that they were playing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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