Introduction - Important

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Hello folks!

This is the third book in the long story of Ellie and Brian. The first book is called The Art of Living (yellow cover) and the second book is called The Art of Loving (red cover), and you can find them both on my profile.

If you wanted to, you could read this as a standalone story, but it would make more sense to read the first two books in order to understand the dynamics of Ellie and Brian's relationship. But in the end that's up to you and I hope you will enjoy what you read. 

A few important notes on this third book of Ellie and Brian:

The first two books have been written in 3rd person POV, but now I've decided to mix it up a little and write in 1st person POV, for reasons which I can't share without spoiling. You will see, I hope. 
Furthermore, as you may or may not know I am always extra particular about being factually accurate wherever possible, which involves a ton of research, more than you guys probably realise. And I am still doing that as always, there are so many things which are actually true in this story even though you probably wouldn't expect it. I might point some of those out as we go along. But, and this is important, there are some mostly well-known facts that I have consciously decided to change for this story. It's nothing too major, but I wanted to let you know that I am very much aware as I spent weeks thinking about those things, and it was a conscious decision. Maybe mentioning this here will help to avoid some of the "But that's not right" comments. I'm not saying that I know everything because that's not possible, but I do my research thoroughly so don't worry about those things.

I have a lot planned and I am so excited to finally share it all with you, I've been working on this for a year and a half now.

As always, if you like what you read please leave a vote and as many comments as you want, as they are the best motivation a writer could get. 

Thank you so much for your support, and I am so excited to hear what you think!

Nina xx

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