[18] Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic

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When I came back into the bedroom, already dressed with my hair and make-up done, Brian jumped up from the bed.

"Bloody hell, Ellie, what took you so long?" He asked, straightening out his shirt. "I was worried something had happened."

"No, I'm fine, sorry. I'm almost ready to go now," I told him with a smile.

"That's good, because I have to go soon. You're welcome to join me if you want. Unless you say you don't want to be bored for hours."

I shrugged, putting away my toiletries again. "Well I'd be bored here too, and watching you soudcheck is at least ... visually entertaining, if nothing else."

Brian chuckled, checking that everything he needed for his guitar. "I'm starting to believe you think I'm good looking."

I gasped. "No, really? What makes you think that?" I asked, smirking at him "I think you look awful with your hair and your tight trousers and your shirt half undone with the necklace you wear... what are you thinking," I said sarcastically.

But Brian looked down on himself, seeming hesitant. "You're not being serious, are you?"

"Of course not, I was being sarcastic, very much. You really do look very handsome, and it's a lot of fun watching you on stage, whether it's a concert or the souncheck. You know I think you look great."

"Yes, I guess I do know that...," he said with a smile. "Alright. The driver will be here soon."

"Okay, that's fine. We'll have dinner there, I'm guessing?"

Brian nodded. "Yes, exactly. We'll soundcheck and then while the audience comes inside we can eat a little something. I thought you'd know that by now," he teased, watching me get my camera bag ready.

"Oh just be quiet. I'm good to go, are you?"

Brian smirked. "I have been for what feels like hours now. You women take forever to get ready," he said, rolling his eyes exaggeratedly.

He made me laugh. "Well, excuse me, mister, not everyone can be naturally beautiful like you are. Some of us have to put in a lot of effort."

Brian just chuckled. "You know, I'd believe that excuse if I didn't know that you are one of the most naturally beautiful people around, El."

It baffled me how he managed to somehow turn everything into a compliment. I actually didn't know what to say. "Let's just go, alright?" I told him.

Brian was smirking. "Yes, let's go."

"When do you have to be at the venue?" I asked him. I didn't actually know that, all he had told me was that we had to hurry.

Brian glanced at his watch before he chuckled. "Ten minutes ago.."

"Well that's not good," I stated, pointing out the obvious.

"They'll manage, I'm sure. I wouldn't be surprised if they haven't even started by the time we get there. Something or other will cause them to argue like little kids," he said, sighing softly.

The way he excluded himself from that made me laugh. "As if you're not a little kid yourself sometimes," I teased him as we got into the car.

"Sometimes, maybe," he gave in. He followed me, sitting close next to me. "But not like them, not all the time. You should know that, El."

"Mhm, sure, I know that. You're special, of course," I teased him. I knew I got to him when he rolled his eyes a little.

"Oh just be quiet," he grumbled, but still wrapped his arm around my waist when I leaned against him. And that made me smile. He was so wonderful. "What's in your second bag? Did you bring the stereo camera?" He asked.

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