What is a 'Rogue'?

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A rogue is a wolf without a pack. There are two ways a wolf can become rogue:

1. They were kicked out/exiled from the pack as a result of a crime or offence committed that do not adhere to regular rules and laws of the pack. If the crime or offence was too great or offensive, exile would be a suitable punishment.

2. They chose to leave their pack. It could be that they didn't agree with the pack's mentality, how the pack is run, or they simply chose not to be apart of the pack. Sometimes, they might even leave to start their own packs to prove a point.

Most of the time, 9/10, wolves go rogue for the latter reason, rather than the former.

Can rogue wolves form a pack?

Yes, they can. If enough wolves have gone rogue and wish to be part of this 'new' pack, they have full reign to join. This type of pack do not have a lot of wolves, and the maximum number might be 5-8 wolves which is ridiculously smaller than the average pack which usually borders on close to 100-150 wolves. Some average packs are far larger.

Can rogue packs have alphas?

Not particularly. Yes, there will need to be an authoritative figure that governs or keeps the pack together, but most view each other as equals. Because most of them would have been exiled or left because of the alpha's way of rule, rogues tend not to fight for the position of alpha or nominate any fellow rogue to the position. The highest delegate rank would be beta, and in a rogue pack, each member is a beta wolf. The lowest rank would be subordinate.

Are rogue packs considered packs?

No. Rogue packs occur in small numbers, and usually dwell in the slums, or in the territory of another pack having been granted permission to occupy a small plot of land. Rogues are to some extent, squatters. But since they reside in relative peace, packs usually leave them alone, as most rogues are either a single wolf, or a family that chose to leave their home pack.

Is the term 'rogue' used synonymously for 'criminal'?


It's not the same thing.

But, it depends on the crime. And it mainly depends on the ignorance and arrogance of the rogue's former pack members.

However, it shouldn't be used synonymously for 'criminal' since most rogues choose that type of lifestyle. It is rare, 1/10 that a wolf is exiled.

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