Seventh Appointment.

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"hey lou."

"hey haz."


"yeah." louis said proudly. "just came up with it. you don't like it?"

"no no, i love it lou." harry said. "thanks."

"no problem." louis said. they both sat in a comfortable silence. "that a tattoo?"

harry looked at his wrist. "yeah, two actually, can't you see the words in the bottom on the anchor?" harry pointed out. he pulled up his sleeve a bit while leaning forward and showed louis the tattoo.

"ah, i see it now." louis says in realisation. "does that say 'i can't change' ?" 

"yeah." harry said proudly. "it's suppose to be about my sexuality. i'm gay, and i want people to know that no matter what, no matter what they do, i'm not going to change."

"that's really nice." louis said. "i like it."

"thank you."

"louis tomlinson." a nurse called.

"i'll be on my way. see you later."

"see you later."

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