Devil vs Rae

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*Looks at Devil* you worthless pile of fur

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*Looks at Devil* you worthless pile of fur.

Devil: you sorry excuse for a tiger.

Everyone: *circles around them*

You lazy unforgiving cry baby.

Everyone: OOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!!

Devil: *growls* you fucking hybrid that doesn't know what a job is.

Everyone: OOOOOOH!!!!!!!

*Smirks eyes going red as whites go black* you can't even make a good roast. *Tail flicks and smiles*

Everyone: OOOOOOOOOOOOH!!! GOT EM!!!!!!

Devil: you call yourself a tiger? To me you look like a pile of fur covered in stripes. *Smiles*

Everyone: OOOOOOOOH!!!!!!

Tsk at least I know the true meaning of HARD WORK!

Everyone: *cheers*

Dice: eh, ever since I met the Devil years ago. Now then where were we? *Looks back at Rae and Devil*

Devil: why you little....

What? Rodent? Feline? Canine? To me all I see a lazy demon that sits on a throne all day that everyone "fears" but when reality hits it's your workers that go home with a pay check in hand and they even help with Deals of anyone "dares" to make an actual deal with the "Devil" who's really more the lazy, sap sucking, Dice fucking, *walking closer as fur darkens and eyes go black as a weird toxic substance starts to drip out of eyes claws and mouth* crybaby manager, doesn't know how to take a hint, can't get up after a single hit, terrible fighter. *Crosses after looking at him and reverts back to normal*

Everyone: *cheers louder* WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!!!!

Devil: fuck. You.

*Smiles and walks away*

Everyone: Ask Dare Bye!

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