Chapter 3: Voices, Voices... Worst Enemy?

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Voices. Voices. Voices.

All around me I could hear the sounds of whispers, yells, screams. There was no distinct words but just sounds and mumbled up words.

Darkness seemed to have gotten a hold of me. For all around was pitch black. I had no idea if I was alive or dead.

I could barely move my arm, and my legs were non functional at this point in time. Slowly, I could turn my head. I blinked once, twice, three times, then four. The air smelled of dead things, which didn't completely register with me.

It should have been setting off warning bells in my head but no. All I could think about was if there was anyone around to help me. There was probably someone around but they probably want me injured. They most likely didn't want to help me. 

Where was I? Why can't I move?  I screamed in my head, and with all my might, tried to move just one limb. But with no success.

I was still groggy and wasn't in the right state of mind. My head was spinning, making the room spin with it. I felt like I could vomit any time, or if I moved anymore than I already had.

I suddenly heard loud footsteps and the sound of a gun getting loaded and ready. With all the strength that I had in me, I weakly spoke.

"W-W-Whose there?" Or more like whispered.

A soft voice replied but I couldn't make it out. The only two words I could make out before I passed out were:

"-worst enemy."

With that, I blacked out for the second time. Who knows when I would wake up, or if I would wake up at all. 

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