01. Fallen Angel

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!! Chapter includes death !!


He was walking, walking further and further away from the carousel he just stood at seconds ago. And he didn't stop to walk. He walked and walked. Until he was out of the small area the fair was held at, until his little feet started to hurt. And even then he didn't stop. He couldn't stop, not until he found her.

Even as he heard the sound of traffic. Cars passing by in front of him. He wanted to stop but he couldn't. The five-year-olds face was filled with fear as it faced the way of bright headlights heading straight towards him.

Bystanders were screaming at the young boy, calling for him to run, but he didn't. Instead he looked around. The car couldn't stop in time, the by standers knew it and even the five year old knew, yet it was as if he couldn't even move.

That's when realisation dawned on the several adults. This child was lost. That's when they started to cover their childrens eyes, while some other called for an ambulance. Nobody running to save him. People are selfish, they wouldn't threaten their life too.

Upon impact, the boy felt his whole body in pain. The ambulance was on it's way already, but they didn't make it in time. Just before they arrived, the small boy closed his eyes.

When he woke up the pain was gone. The room was white, flooded with blindingly bright light. It was brighter than the headlights he saw just seconds ago.

Once his eyes adjusted to the new light, he looked around curiously. It reminded him of the room he visited his grandmother in a few weeks ago. The hospital. With that, the small boy stood up. But instead of the familiar face of his mother or father, the five year old was met with a lady also dressed in white. "Jung Hoseok, welcome to heaven." With a warm smile, she reached out her hand to him.

That same lady explained his new situation to him. She took him under her wing.  As he grew up and began to remember, she was also there.
With the growing age memories of the day of his accident started to come back to him.

And that new knowledge, that feeling like if the day wasn't going as it went he would still be alive. All those new feeling caused the anger that build up inside of him. A feeling that would start his rebellious phase.

She was there to help him out of whatever mess he made. Every time. But now, as he saw her disappointed face in the plain white court room, he knew this time she wouldn't be able to help him out. This time he screwed up.

Maybe Hoseok went too far this time. Throughout his life up in heaven his rebellion turned into destruction. He started small. Trashing his classroom, trashing the garden of some random people. He shouldn't have gone as far as actually destroy the memorial of god. But, even upon living in heaven, he couldn't believe this guy was good. Who lets a innocent five year old die?

Hoseok was pulled from his thoughts as the man in front of him clears his throat. For the past load of time he was listing everything Hoseok as done wrong so far in afterlife. "And with your latest crime, I am afraid we have to banish to spend the rest of your afterlife in hell." That's when it dawned on him. Hell. Yes he screwed up big time.

Hell wasn't this fiery place humans know it as. It's not a place where you burn in fire and are tortured. Well at least you weren't tortured physically. More mentally while you work your ass off.

In difference to the living Hoseok saw pictures of hell. There is no Satan or devil. There are the angel wardens. And they are who torture you. Not some little imaginary red man.
Hoseok shook his head, about to try and get himself out of this situation. Everything, just not hell. But before he could start speaking, the old man in front of him raised his hand to silence him. That old bastard probably knew what Hoseok would try.

"I'm sorry son." He spoke, before Hoseok felt his eyelids shut, everything turning dark around him. "He is still a child." Were the last words he completely lost consciousness. The last thing he had to hear was his mother. Not his biological one, but his new one.
The next minutes were filled with the feeling of falling. Yet he couldn't really see since everything. But the voice of her made him feel guilty. It felt like losing his mother all over again. Was that how he would be tormented in hell?

Before he could continue his thought process, his back hit the hard ground, hissing out in pain. At first he didn't find the strength to open his eyes, but as he did, he was confused. That was definitely not hell.

He looked around in confusion, seeing he landed in a bush of flowers. "That bloody bastard couldn't even get me to hell." He muttered, trying to prop himself up on his elbows. But before he could even move an inch he heard a female voice. "Oh no my mothers roses!"

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