💉+🖤: Join me - Villan! & Yandere! Denki x Reader

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Yo i got this request and honestly it's like so angsty yet so good so sorry if y'all shed some tears :)

*Your POV*
  I was walking home from school. Today was so different than the rest, my classmate Denki was nowhere to be seen. That was strange, especially since he was always at school and never sick. The feelings around UA high was different too, all the teachers were uneasy and told us to keep our quirks at bay. Was there a villain at school? Who knows.
   After I got home and ate dinner I went to my room and started my homework. However, I saw a note at the foot of my bed that had eerily similar handwriting to Denki's.

'Y/n, meet me in the park. I need to talk to you about something. See you there doll.'

There was no signature or anything, but I had a gut feeling it was Denki. I decided to go to the park to see what he wanted. No harm right?

*3rd person POV*
Wrong. Once you arrived at the park, you stood underneath a lamppost awaiting Denki. However a figure came out from above you and placed a bag over your body.

"Help! Someone help! Please anyone!" You pleaded. Your pleas were muffled by the bag and you passed out soon after.

*Two weeks later*
   "I really hope Y/n is okay." Tsu whined. Everyone around the school was worried after the next day you didn't show up. After two weeks there were search parties looking around the whole city. No one stopped looking for you, especially Kirishima. He was your best friend after all.

"Where was she last seen?!" Kirishima said angrily. He punched a hole in the nearby wall, causing the wall to crack and almost crumble.

"Chill dude!" Sero shouted while rubbing Kirishima's back.

"Last time I talked to Y/n's parents they told me she went to the park to meet someone," Mina told Kiri.

"Who was she going to meet?" Kirishima asked.

"Her parents said they don't know. When they read the letter there was no signature." Mina replied. The Bakusquad decided to look for you on the sketchy side of town. They all agreed to stay together, however someone would go against their wishes.

*Later that night*

"Alright you idiots," Bakugo grunted. "Y/n has to be here somewhere. She must've been kidnapped by a villain and taken to one of these places." Everyone nodded in response.

"Raccoon eyes, you get the intersection. Sticky fingers and I will handle the rooftops. Rocky, you've got the alleyways. Everyone stay in touch and do not wander off." Bakugo said the last sentence as a huge warning, sensing someone was going to leave them behind. After the warning, everyone went searching. Mina looked around the intersection and stores, asking clerks and shop owners if they've seen any suspicious activity. Sero and Bakugo looked from the rooftops, looking for any suspicious activity from the ground. Finally Kirishima looked through the alleyways, looking for any secret doors or signs of life.

Kirishima felt like this method of searching wasn't working, so he snuck away from the Bakusquad and went on his own. He suddenly heard a voice, a eerily similar voice along with clapping.

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to slip from the group." The person said.

"Who," Kirishima turned around, looking straight at Denki. Denki's eyes were no longer filled with innocence, but with a desire to kill. "Denki, what are you doing here? Why haven't you been at school for the past few weeks? And better yet, where is Y/n?!" Kirishima yelled.

"Wow! You're really that stupid aren't you?" Denki snorted.

"Kiri~," Kirishima heard his name from a familiar voice. He looked behind Denki to see you. Your appearance was startling to Kirishima and he gasped in the process looking at you.

"Y/n! What happened to you?!" Kiri yelled.

"I joined the better side dear. Now join Denki and I or else we'll kill you." You replied swiftly and sternly.

"This isn't like you! You're not this person!" Suddenly, Kirishima felt numb and noticed a dart in his arm. His eyes felt heavy and he let a few tears fall down his face before collapsing on the ground.

"Oh sweetie. You'll be a good villain don't you worry." You said with a sadistic smile on your face.

Well, ta da! I don't know who requested this but I hope all of you like it!

Daddy Denki: Denki Kaminari One-Shots and Lemons *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now