MY 10 (friendship can hurt)

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Friendship Can Hurt

When you become friends with someone

You care for them and do what is best for them

Making them happy even though you might be hurting

So you think they will do the same for you

But you might be so wrong

Things can always change

Those so called friends might end up stabbing you in the back

Lieing to your face without even batting an eyelash

Calling you things or talking about you

You end up feeling betrayed and hurt

And it hurts to know that it might be someone close to you

Don't let it be the end of you

Don't let it take you down

Show them that you are better off without them

Get back up with your head held high

Show them that they haven't effected you

Wipe your tears away because they aren't worth any of it

They aren't worth your beautiful tears


Hey y'all

How r u?

As always




Thankxxxx and BYE!!!,

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