MY 12 (Appearances Ain't Everything)

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Appearences Ain't Everything

When you try to look good

You do the best that you can 

When other see you

They(some) might not say nice things about you

After a while, 

You start to listen

Becoming insecure

Then you try to change your image

But others still say the same thing

Bringing your self esteem down even more

Stop listening to them

Ignore them

Tune them out

Your trying to improve your body

Not theirs

Your mother did not give birth so you can listen to their BS

They're strangers

They have no say in anything involving you

If you want to change yourself

Have a good enough reason behind it

Not because others say it

They are just jealous because you have something they don't

Love yourself 

Be happy with what you look like

You are beautiful(girls) and hadsome(guys) inside and out


Hey everyone on this earth

How are y'all?

Ihope y'all like this

You know what to 




Thankxxx for reading and BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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