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Sorry these are probably so cringe... Anyways I thought I'd tell my mom existent readers about myself and if you have anything you want to know that I didn't tell please just comment☺️☺️💜

Name: Abby.
Gender: Female
Country: Canada bitch🇨🇦🇨🇦
Age: 14.
Birthday: Feb 8, 2005.
Sexuality: Bi
Relationship status: Single and probably never ready to mingle.
Fav food: Rice.
Groups I Stan: BTS, blackpink, and Exid.
Solo's I stan: HyunA and Jessi
(I also like imagine dragons but they aren't K-pop)
Fav movies: Train to Busan, and Tag (the Japanese movie)
K-dramas (and other Oriental shows) that I liked: (K) 12 year promise, strong girl bong-soon, my runway. (C) accidentally in love, meteor garden, a love so beautiful. (J) mischievous kiss, good morning call.
I don't know what else to put so just ask if you want to know something and I'll most likely answer.

BTS pick up lines (some not BTS or K-pop related)Where stories live. Discover now