Hey, everyone. I wanted to share something with you all because you guys are like my second family.

I broke up with my boyfriend. I know, I know, I shouldn't be complaining. Other people probably have it worse.

I just wanted to have a quick rant. You don't have to read on. You can click out if you'd like.

So, it barely happened. Maybe a few hours ago, we had a conversation about... How I.. I'm way too clingy and I don't have any confidence.

Most of you know or maybe you don't, but I am struggling with my confidence and sometimes I cling to people because I feel like they can help me. I don't know, maybe I don't have good enough reasons and I'm just like they said, clingy.

Or maybe... I don't know, guys. I just feel very complicated. I feel like I'm talking to much... Anyways, no updates for a few days. Sorry, I really am.

Just let me get control of my emotions and calm down. Get over him and then I'll continue updating. I hope you all understand, if you don't, it's okay, you can hate.

That's all everyone. Maybe I'll see you all around soon. Bye

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