Captain Liberty 2.0

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Name: Luna Hamilton

Age: 15

Sexuality: straight


Avengers assemble/cartoon

Avengers assemble/cartoon

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Personality: Luna is a creative kind caring kind of gal

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Personality: Luna is a creative kind caring kind of gal. She's also shy but one who won't just stand there while innocent people get hurt.

Likes: Statute of Liberty, fashions , 1940s history, bands such as Kansas and 1940s dance music to dance to.

Dislikes: jocks from her high school, anyone who is a bully, being a shorty at 5' 3" and spiders

Flaws: Anxeity- she finds herself often having to deal with this on a daily basis.
Over-thinking certain situations to make sure she doesn't mess up.

background: Luna grew up with a illness that at any minute could take her away. When she spent time in the hospital, she didn't realize someone saved her life. That someone was Captain America. As she became older she realized she had strength like a super solider. Unsure as to why she decided to use her abilities for good and became Captain Liberty. 

Crush: open

Friends: open

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