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Jughead Jones had feelings for one person in particular, which probably didn't matter because this particular person was in a relationship... with his best friend, Archie Andrews.
It wasn't his fault, he couldn't resist the flowing blonde hair, tied up in a sleek ponytail. The way her smile looked every time they made eye contact.
God, Betty Cooper, you are perfect.
See, he knew he never had a chance with her, I mean she was the perfect "girl next door." A cheerleader with straight As, what was there not to like about her?
And of course, she was dating the football star, Archie Andrews. And they even lived right next to each other for God's sake.
He couldn't even compare.
But he didn't want to give up, because he knew he'd never find someone like her.

He got his phone out and started texting Betty, out of nowhere.

Meet me at Pop's. -Jug

Little did Betty know, someone would be confessing their love for her that night. And she had no idea what to do.

50 ways to say i love you // bugheadWhere stories live. Discover now