chapter 3

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Lani and media

4 months later

I have graduated a year early from Mona Lisa high and doing way better thanks to Kings shoulder. And now we leaving Arizona to Texas for boot camp. Yep I joined the army and a bihh ready to... "Mya you listening I said you can get top bunk when we get there" She said snapping her fingers in my face 😐. " Nigga no I know what you tryna do find you a undercover hoe and do ur thing not today" I said knowing her game plan. All she did was laugh. The bus came to a stop and everyone exited standing in a straight line. "Now here at boot camp there's no phones or games because if you fail to pass you will be here longer" A fine as girl said with red hair she looked about my age but you never know.

After our little tour...

"Yo King you seen hea she can get it " I announced a little to loud because everyone looked my way including her tryna faced me I looked at King holding her laughter... Damn it.  I watched her walk towards me while she signaled for me to go outside. " Listen here condete rule number 5 no hooking up with other condetes " As she was semi yelling a vain was poppin out shit was lowkey sexy. " Well sorry miss Lani if you wanna know I'll tell you who I was talking about" Saying slyly and move close to her into she met the wall. " No I..i don't wanna know " She Studdered. I mentally smirk than put my hands on her waist leaning it. " You miss Lani your hella sexy but we better get inside now" I whispered Squizzing her waist a little walking away .


As I looked at the hopefully new recruit I see a girl wearing a tight tee and some short shorts she was Anously sexy no dought but it's business time. Let me introduce my self I a condete at the army boot camp in Houston Texas I been here for a week already and since I'm ahead of everyone they let me do the tour. So all about besides I'm 18 and a fem. While I'm showing them where they will be resting I heard " Yo King you seen her she can get it " . I was a little upset because she couldn't be talking about me so I decided to be me cop and take her outside. As words were leaving my mouth unknowingly I was really focus on her features her Carmel skin and white teeth clear skin with wavy hair. While I was staring so hard I didn't notice she was coming close so I backed up to I hit the wall damn walls. She gripped my waist and leaned I'm whisper "You miss Lani your hella sexy but we better get inside now". I was stunned once the door closed I released my breath I didn't know I was holding my pearl was throbbing and the sad part is I have to sleep in there to hopefully were no bunk mates. Now let me go handle my problem.


Finally a point of view I'm King Mya's best friend who she barely mentioned. I'm 18 and I used to be a bad ass kid skipping ,smoking , and all types of stuff but then my Ma passed let her rested in peace and I realized I wanna do something with my life so I did. Enough about me back to the book. So as I wait for Mya to get back I spotted this fine as girl wearing a sports bra and grey sweats laying on a bunk in the fair back. So I walked my happy ass over there and asked if the top bunk was taken. All she did was shake her head so she must be shy. I put my stuff up and sat on her bed. "Hey I'm king what's your name " I said trying to get her to speak she sat up eyeing me like a dog wanting a treat. " I'm ummm Alissa but just call me Ace " I nodded and watched Mya walk in looking for me so I waved her over. " Niggaaa why you anit say I was loud " She said laughing " I thought you knew and Mya me Ace my bunk mate " My bestie look like she was gonna kill me into she got it. "Ok well hi Ace I'll be y'all nabor I guess "


As I finally walked back in I see there only one bunk left and it's with her I mentally curse at myself as I walk towards her and the other two girls. "Umm Mya you got company " I think her name king said. Mya looked back and smiled with her sexy I mean ugly self. " Umm miss Lani I thought we finished talking or did you wanna take it farther " She joked I just looked away. " No this is the only bunk left and I have to stay her to I said " Clearly irritated. "Oh ok you wanna be on top or bottom cuz I'm down  for both" She said smirking knowing wat she was doing .


I'm daddy little girl

Hearing that I smirked and played along so I bend down to whisperer in her ear. " I'm daddy lil girl so there will be no top for you" I winked at her before getting on the top leaving her lost for words "Goodnight bunk mate "

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