Queen in the North

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"In Winterfell"

It had been years since that day of the Battle in Kings Landing things changed after the Dragon Queen's death of course things in Winterfell were not much prouder when Jon was sent into to exile beyond the Wall he still was misery everynight he dreamt about Daenerys he never stopped loving her and he knew that if one day should he die again he would be reunited with her in the afterlife well that's exactly what happened during the battle against Bran he tried to hold on but knew it was his time and he died Drogon had flew his body to Voltanis where he was buried next to his Queen Daenerys and was reunited with her in heaven but some would try and stop it and that someone was Sansa Stark.

Sansa was not pleased how this happened she wished she had more time now things were falling apart thanks to Bran and a lot of people were starting to question her loyalty she knew she needed help and only Daenerys and Jon could stop the war she would ride out to Essos to Voltanis to see if the Priestess would awaken them so they could help them with this war but convincing them would not be easy over the years the Priestesses had come to distrust the North because what they had done to their King and Queen and the lords of the lights they had disobeyed them and betrayal they had to earn that trust back.

"Meanwhile in Voltanis" 

Kinvara kept her promise and had watched over Daenerys and Jon's body and made sure no-one interfered with them she knew one day they would be called again for a great battle till then they must remain in the casket until such a time calls for them she knew Daenerys and Jon were happy they had found peace within themselves and with their friends and family she couldn't be happy but knew someone would interfere with that she prayed to the lords of the light to to stop those intruders. Nesera had entered "Priestess darkness is upon us" Kinvara nodded "yes she'll soon arrive and instruct us to bring them back we cannot interfere with that" Nesera knew her duty she must protect the King and Queen at all cost even from their family.

"In the afterlife in heaven"

their people and children dressed in white smiling and laughing and Daenerys was among the few when she had arrived their she was filled with grief and hurt anger betrayal she was lost her friends and her family including Lyanna showed her she could find peace again Jon was the one who saved her he was the only one who saw the good in her and now they were together "it's strange I never imagine heaven to be peaceful" Dany smiled "that's the benefits about being a Stark or a Targaryen come on we promised my parents we wouldn't be long" an angelic glowed around them as they headed into the fields and Joined their families. Lyanna Stark brought up the view of the living "all seems to be doing well so far" Rhaegar smiled at Lyanna "that's a good thing I have my sister and my son" Lyanna smiled "true" the mormonts were there suddenly a dark cloud showed on the viewing Dany and Jon and her family looked concern whenever a dark cloud appeared it meant a loved one was in deep trouble Rahella approached Dany and put her hand on her shoulder Jon "Mother a dark cloud that's not good" Lyanna agreed someone among the living was in trouble but who Jorah stood up "Lyanna we need to report this to the high councilor" they all agreed it was getting late all entered separate portals there was a house places where the angels could all sleep Jon and Dany said goodnight and retired to their rooms for the night "that dark cloud Jon I have an eerie feeling" Jon agreed "you don't think they'll try to resurrect us again?" Dany shook her head "They can't bring us back not until were called upon and besides Kinvara is watching over our families resting place no way they would let that happen" he knew she was right but something still felt wrong.

"meanwhile back in Voltanis" 

Drogon roared and Kinvara knew what that meant "Nesera close the caskets and cover them Lady Sansa must not find them" Nesera agreed she closed the casket sealing them and placed a sealing spell so only Kinvara could open it they covered the King and Queens casket with silk cloth one was red the other was blue they locked the room and instructed the other priestesses "Nobody goes in and out of this place without my permission understood" they bowed respectfully and said "yes priestess" Kinvara headed towards the gates and opened the doors as expected Kinvara invited the Queen in "Sansa Stark come in I've been expecting you" Sansa was in shock "you knew I was coming" Kinvara nodded "there's nothing that the lords of the light do not keep me inform about people's whereabouts so what brings you by" Sansa took and deep breathe and looked at Kinvara "I need you to help me" Kinvara "with what?" Sansa was tired "Bran he's out of control and needs to be stopped and the only person who can stop him is well . .  ." Kinvara interrupted abruptly "I'm going to stop you there if your thinking about bringing the King and Queen back you can forget it" Sansa "we need their help" Kinvara looked at her sternly "as I recall you treated the Queen with disrespect when she came to help you and didn't show her any decent kindness and worse you betrayed them both" Sansa knew that was true "I know what I did was wrong but please we need them" Kinvara sighed heavily "I can only bring them back if some kind of Battle was happening I am sorry but I cannot not interfere and neither should you".

Sansa hated this she could only imagine what Daenerys family was doing "Daenerys could be torturing his soul" Kinvara had enough and grabbed her arm "honestly you really think she would do that observe" she used her powers to show the afterlife there she showed Jon and Daenerys together "does it look like she's torturing him?!" Sansa looked in the reflection pool she saw Dany was smiling and happy with Jon and her family and Jon was smiling at Dany and his family "she looks happy but how?" Kinvara smiled but couldn't believe Sansa didn't figure it out "You really think you Arya, Bran, and Tyrion did good by causing her downfall you never accepted her but you didn't see that she wasn't mad in Kings Landing she was lost the grief and betrayal made her turn into someone else Jon saw this and he did what was necessary not to say to kill her but to save her and he did that he saved her soul and purified her and because of what he did she found peace within her family and friends if anyone saved her it was Jon not you!  You and your family destroyed them!" Sansa was in shock but deep down she knew Kinvara was right she did destroy them had she know things would have been different "there must be something I can do" Kinvara nodded "you can leave and never return your a Queen I'm sure you'll find another way to stop your brother" Sansa left in a huff she couldn't give up.

At Nightfall after all the Priestess had gone to sleep Sansa snuck in the Red Temple and searched for Jon and Dany it was like a maze so she didn't see them at first but then she went into a room that was off limits she was able to break in when she came in it looked like a shrine dedicated to Jon and Daenerys "what is this place" she read the caskets "the true Queen and King Daenerys Targaryen and Aegon Targaryen the prince and princess that was promised" she slowly opened the casket and saw both the bodies of Jon and Daenerys in it "Jon and Dany" she then touched them causing a wave of magic to flow around the seal had been broken and something happened Daenerys and Jon were standing there on the ground like angels "what have you done?!" just then Kinvara came in "you little fool do you know what you've done?!"

Jonerys  AfterlifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora