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After the Battle peace seemed achieved within the realm and within the world Sansa continued to rule as Queen she now understood Jon and his Queen Daenerys and decided to make sure house Targaryen would not be forgotten and made  a plague in honoring those Targaryens that fought with honor and dignity something Jon and Daenerys would be proud of in the afterlife.

Arya stayed in Winterfell for a time but eventually set sail for the Iron Islands she had the upmost  respect for Queen Yara and her people and decided to help her in rebuilding her home and taking back the lands they lost due to Euron's betrayal it took some time but Yara was able to call her place home again she was grateful for Arya and Daenerys support she was glad Jon and Daenerys found peace in the afterlife and knew one day they would return to fight in another great battle until then she would wait when that day would finally come.

Gendry traveled with Davos to Voltanis they visited Jon and Dany's grave often and spend time with Drogon they made a promise to watch over him and make sure no harm came to him they were able to keep that promise to Jon and their Queen they stayed Voltanis within a year Kinvara had watched over them for a time as much as she could within several months Drogon had passed away and the three of them mourned his loss but knew he was in a better place with his mother Gendry decided to return to Stormborn Ends and continued to rule as Warden he maintains the peace to this day.

Sam returned to Winterfell he was grateful he got to see Jon and Dany one last time before they left to the afterlife he was glad they found each other again and found peace he could sleep easy knowing they were in a better place he would continue to read more about prophecies and legends until their return he and Gilly lived happily with their two children to this day.

Brienne continued to serve Queen Sansa for a time until she was called to go off to war she left promising she would return within a year she had come back and served as the Queens hand she felt that she was right where she wanted to be home where it all started with her, Jamie, and Podrick this is where she belonged as always.

Bronn made good on his promise to Queen Daenerys and made HighGarden a good place that Olenna could be proud so could Margery HighGarden was thriving again and once again was in control of the lands he was loved in both the region and HighEver it didn't take long for the lords and Kings and Queens to notice and joined an alliance with him.

As for Bran and Tyrion both were stripped from their tittles to this day no-one knows where they were or went not that it mattered both were banished from the lands and the realm so they could not return and even if they did they both would be executed for their crimes committed against the King and Queen so as far as anyone's concern better that they stay out of site.

As for Jon and Daenerys they had saved the souls and were able to return to the afterlife they were able to rebuild the Elysian fields finally peace was among them everyone was happy to return to the inner circle Dany and Jon continued to spread peace among the souls they were happy with their friends and family for them it felt like months had passed by Daenerys was finally able to reunite with her and Drogo's child and found she was pregnant by Jon she gave birth to a baby girl they named "Lyanna" who would be their hope Dany and Jon finally got what they both wanted a loving family who knew they could be happy among the afterlife they would continue to be happy.

And if your wondering about Nesera and Daario they remained in Meereen they continue to get to know each other better within a months they got together both became good rulers to Meereen the two of them they continue to enjoy each others company eventully they pursued a relationship which later within a year turned into marriage they were happy it was within a week Nesera found she was pregnant I guess those stolen nights on their honeymoon paid of to this day they are still together and happy just as the Queen and Jon predicted Jon and Daenerys continued to monitor from the afterlife to keep track of their loved ones but they knew all was right with the world.

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