Don't Look Down

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A beam of white light shot  through the hospital room. It seemed to glare with a strong blue, and a painful red through the window, waking me only briefly before passing out again. A distant scream rippled through the room, as I wake for the third time but once again only briefly. The shimmer of sunlight strikes me as I wake up with a hoarse gulp. Water, I need water!

I fall out of the bed with a thud to the ground, shuffling towards the bathroom.

“W-water” I cough again.

 I finally shamble half blind towards where the door knob... was. Like a brick wall hitting me awake I catch myself standing, wobbling weakly on the ledge of a 12 story drop to my death. What seemed to be the half of the hospital missing, a giant hole, smashed right through the hospital building. I fall backwards in shock, as the impact runs up my wrists hurting them, but feeling no pain from adrenaline. I quickly crawl my way to the back of the room, uncertain pain crawling up my wrists every push I manage to make as an uncertain smell draws close. Blinded by panicked tears and sheer terror I thump into what felt like a cushion not hard, but soft, the smell filling my nose. Hands behind my back pressing against the cushion my hands start to feel weird. As my nerves and senses snap back I feel a jolt of pain through my wrists as I lift them up to rub the joints, only to feel  my hands wet against each other. Why are my hands wet? I think, as I quickly hold up one hand to find it soaked in blood. I attempt to scream but can’t, for before me lay the nurse attending to my bed, or should I say the nurse that ‘attended’ to my bed. She lay there, blooded, pressed up against the wall, still, emotionless, dead.

 I jump to my feet as I stumble and crash against walls, trying to get back to my bed, once again completely forgetting about the jolting pain in every step and every thump against the wall. As I finally reach the sheets I lunge to the side of the bed trying to clean the blood off as I silently scream and cry. A quick flash of movement behind me catches my eye as I instantly turn around panting and fists clenched, only to find a blank, scorched wall. Questioning how was I still alive from whatever could of happened here. I feel a sharp pain in my lower lip to find I cracked it from once again opening my mouth to cry aloud, but only dead silence covered the sound. Curious, I walk up to the wall and hit it with the little strength I have. Nothing. Not a sound. I scream. Not a sound. I kick the wall, fracturing my toe... not a sound. Am I deaf? I am deaf! There must be something out of place here. I must be dreaming... I must be. But everything else, I feel everything. I see everything. Every little inch of pain built up in my toe, shock and throbbing in my wrists. The de-hydration and the feeling of being deaf (not that I know what that felt like before) I can’t handle this. I look at the dead nurse, as my legs just seem to take me over to look outside at the half destroyed building. I look at the gap in the wall, towards the ground below me, not wobbling anymore. My legs led me to soaring through the air towards the ground head first. I close my eyes and feel the air on my face. I hit the ground and...

I hear a heart monitor. The long loud annoying beep of it representing that someone was dead.  I pop up with a gasp, hearing the air come in my mouth and not cracking my lips from simply opening my mouth. I was woken to the sounds of nurses rushing and doctors yelling. I suddenly realize the comfortably of the hospital bed I was in. I look up at the long annoying beeping line, but it’s not pulsing? It’s not doing anything, just... a strait flat line. Am I dead? Of course I'm dead I just fell from a 12 floor drop.

"Oh well" I mumble with a deep scary voice

Surprised but not questioning, I sit up and stare at the nurse beside me wide eyed and in shock. I put my finger to my lips signaling her to be quite and not scream. I suddenly feel strong and built, the senses hitting me one after another. Then I realize my hearing was back. Exited I jump up,

“OH MY GOD!!!” I scream!

Falling strait back into the bed I simply stare at my hands. They were not pale, they were not normal to me. They were black! Who am I? Where am I? Where’s the dead nurse, where’s the broken hospital?! It all hit me like it did when I stood on that ledge. I fly up with incredible strength and ram through the door, seeing people rushing everywhere, patient after patient, dis contorted, bloody, dead... Nurses chasing after me, telling guards, other nurses, and doctors to grab me and calm me down. I can't think strait as I seem to run people over with my extremely built body. Screams after screams as people give surgery to people not in a surgery room, due to the fact that they were probably all full, judging from the amount of people being thrown in through the doors, hundreds of injuries. As I run towards the stairs someone grabs a hold of my gown, ripping it off leaving me naked. Not caring I continue to run down the stairs each flight of them. All 12 of them. I run up to the front door and burst through, the sun and light blinding me. I shield my eyes and let them focus on what lay before me. Smoke curling up and screams shooting all around I begin to hear a distant rumbling and all the sudden. The ground and building, shakes and everything goes black.

I wake up... sitting on the hospital bed, the nurse dead against the wall, Hole in the building, de-hydrated, deaf.

Don't Look Downحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن