Chapter 1|I'm Ready

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Chapter 1|I'm Ready

They had just gotten back from their honeymoon in Hawaii. Rick had rented a really nice beach home for two weeks and Kate kept getting frustrated because he was paying for everything.

She hated that. She knew he was just trying to be a gentleman but everything cost so much and she didn't even help him pay for anything.

But, she shook it off and decided she would eventually have to pay him back.

Their flight just landed. It was almost six at night and they were tired. They made their way to grab each other's luggage and tiredly walked off to go hail a cab.

It took awhile but eventually a cab stopped and Rick put their luggage in the trunk. He slid in after Kate and told the cabbie where to go. The cabbie, who's name was José, drove off for the forty minute ride.

The couple slept the whole ride in each other's arms. Rick woke up just as José stopped so he turned and woke up Kate. She lifted her head off of his shoulder and yawned, looking around to see where they were at. She climbed out of the car as Rick grabbed the luggage. He paid the cabbie and they made their way into the building.

"Kate?" He asked as they entered the elevator.

"Hmm?" She hummed sleepily, eyelids slowly closing.

"Alexis and mother are here," he said and she lifted her head.

"I was really hoping we could sleep," she yawned.

"Don't worry, I texted them that we were probably going straight to bed. But, beware in the morning," he warned and she let out a huff.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. They wheeled their suitcases out and down the hall to the loft.

"Good, 'cause I'm tired," she yawned again and Rick opened the door.

"Dad! Kate!" Alexis called, greeting them at the door.

"Hey pumpkin," Rick greeted as he pulled her in for a bear hug.

"Hey Kate," the red haired woman said and hugged Kate also. "You guys look tired."

"Yeah, the joys of riding in planes," Kate said sarcastically and Rick chuckled.

"Where's mother?" Rick asked in search for another red head.

"Oh, she had a last minute call for an audition or something. But, you two should go get some sleep," Alexis suggested, looking over at Kate who's eyes were just barely open.

"Uh, yeah. We will have to do something together tomorrow," Rick said making his way to their bedroom, Kate behind.

"Okay, night dad. Night Kate. Love you both," Alexis called after them.

"Good night, love you too." They both called back in unison.

Kate dropped her suitcase and fell down on the bed, laying on her back and closed her eyes. She felt two dips in the bed on either side of her and opened an eye to see Castle right above her, straddling her.

"Castle," she warned and he leant down and kissed her softly.

"Don't worry, I wasn't going to," he was honest. He knew she was tired and didn't want to start anything.

"I'm going to go get changed," she pushed on his chest and got up to change into something comfy.

She padded back to the bed and climbed into her side. Castle pulled her to him, wrapped his arms around her waist and snuggled his nose in the crook of her neck.

"Castle?" She asked, eyes closed.


"You know when you were playing with those little kids on the beach?" He didn't know where this was going so he just nodded.


"Well, watching you play with them made me feel like we should have some of our own running around." He was shocked.

He wasn't sure if this was the sleep talking or actually Kate talking. She turned around in his arms to see his face.

"Really?" She nodded and smiled. "W-when?" He stuttered out.

"Right now," she watched as a smile grew on his face. "I mean not right this very moment, I'm too tired. But, when we have time, I'm ready."

"Are you sure?" He was still shocked.

"Yes, I'm sure," she smiled. He kissed her and let it linger there before he pulled away.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too, now let's sleep," she ordered, turning back around and closing her eyes. He soon fell asleep, picturing a little miniature Castles running around.
{762 words}

A/N: Vote and comment!!!

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