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Dear Charles,
Six months, six eternal months without you.
Without feeling your lips on mine, without hearing your soft voice, without being in your arms.
You still haven't improved.
Magazines are comparing you to Jules, they seem to have already decided that you will have the same ending.
I can't believe it.
Everything is going into pieces.
I feel like I'm dying inside without you.
I can't live alone.
I can't even see our son smile anymore 'cause he looks like you.
Damien seems to enjoy Milan, he has already made new friends, he's so smart and so kind, just like you.
He doesn't ask anymore when you will wake up, he just knows.
I'd want to be more present for him, to be the rock he'd deserve to have but I just can't.
I'm a disaster: as a wife and as a mother!
Please wake up.
Your wife,

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