Do Ya?

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I wondered and wondered for days if this was true.

Sunday came by and I saw her siting looking beautiful, better then ever. Playing the piano.

After the first service I bought Berrie and Bi a snack to eat. I couldn't give it to them because they was changing, so Heda was right in front of me at the moment.



"Can you give this to Berrie and Bi?"

"Why don't you do it yourself?" She said in a rude but playing voice.


She takes the bag and reaches her hands out towards me.

I lean in to give her a hug.

Her head lays on my chest. Her hands wrapped up around my body. My chin on the top of her head. I wish I could never let go. I tryed to let go but she didn't want to.

At the very moment I wish I knew what was going through her head.

Does Heda like me?

When I get home I text her all week long. Thinking about that hug. Hoping for another one.

A feeling unexplainable. It's like when you eat something you really like and get goosebumps, and you eat it slower then usual because your trying to savor the flavor.

That feeling is AMAZING

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