It's Time or Not

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I've been thinking lately.

Should I move on?



I came down to the conclusion where I would stop talking or showing any affect to her or even talk about her for a few months and see how that goes.

But today made me want her even more

Let me explain:

So I went to church and there was a problem really wasn't involving me so I really didn't care.

But later on I was in the room in the back with Berrie, Mili (Hedas cousin) and Allen, we were singing

Heda had said sorry I asked "Why?"

No reply.

She came over hugged me and suddenly the urge to want her even more came.

The hug felt like everything I needed.

God spoke to me at that moment.

Telling me a bible verse.

She went back and started singing, and suddenly everything she did was getting to me in a good way.

After a few hours.

I had my headphones on my neck

" OMG, I love your headphones."

"Thanks they're my favorite color."

"Omg that's my favorite color too."

I then gave her high five.

As I walked back to my chair I looked at her dad.

While thinking, why did I want to get over her.

Honestly I think I can't get over her.

She's all that's in my head.

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