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  Bakugou grew up in a small village under the rule of the Midoriya’s. He was known as the beauty of the town and was loved by everyone in the town. One day the prince had come through the village heading back to his home when he met Bakugou. A young girl had run out in front of the carriage, and it wasn’t going to be able to slow in time. He had rushed out and had caught the girl and rolled out of the way just in time. 

  The carriage finally was able to stop and the young prince jumped out and rushed over. “Are you guys hurt?!” The prince asked worriedly. Bakugou gave one more check of the girl before turning to the prince. “She is fine your highness, Thank You for asking.” He said sending a smile towards him. “O-oh I’m sorry for the late introduction. I’m Midoriya Izuku.” Izuku stuttered out, he couldn’t help the blush that had crept up his face. Bakugou let out a laugh at that before responding, “Hello Midoriya, I’m Bakugou Katsuki, and the town would like to welcome you.” He responded before bowing which everyone in the village did too. “O-Oh please stop! I was just passing through, I didn’t mean to disturb you guys.” He said raising his hand so they would stop bowing. “Well as it’s getting late your highness.” “Please just call me Izuku.” “Well then Izuku, as it’s getting late. I do hope you guys will stay, it gets dangerous on the roads at night.” “Uh, sure, that will be great.” “That's great! You should join us tonight for our festival!” “O-Okay!” Bakugou let out a smile at that and dragged him along to get ready.

  The village was beautiful, lanterns were hanged up, women dressed in their dancing dresses, food, and drinks flowing like water, the laughing and chatting. Izuku couldn’t help but enjoy his time talking to the villagers and learning more about his kingdom. “I don’t see Katsuki anywhere?” He asked out confused looking for him. “That’s because Katsuki-kun is the main dancer for our dance to the gods.” An elderly lady said next to him. “The dance of the gods?” He asked. “Every year we hold a festival to honor the gods, we dance and pray to them for a good harvest, and another year of peacefulness.” She explained. It was then that drums sounded. “Looks like it’s starting.” He turned his attention to the statues in the middle of the town that represents the gods. 4 girls came out in orange outfits and held fans while they started moving in sync, this continued for a while when the drums started getting more intense. The girls dropped their fans and picked up 2 bigger fans, that they opened. When they moved them again there stood Bakugou in a sheer red outfit. He was holding a sword in both of his hand. The girls went off stage while 4 guys came on and took their place. The 5 of them started moving in sync with the intense beat, but then all the lanterns went out. Just as he was about to panic, the lights came back on and there stood all the dancers in white giving one final dance before falling down to their knee’s infront of the gods, which the other villagers followed. “We pray for another good and peaceful harvest.” After they all stood and continued the festival.

  It was finally time to bid goodbye to the prince, “It was great to see you Izuku, we wish you and your parents good health. Do be careful on your way.” Bakugou said. “I will, it was great to meet such a beautiful village.” Izuku went silent for a moment before fidgeting in his seat. “W-will it be alright if I come to see you again?” He asked nervously. Bakugou looked up at him in surprise before a bright smile came over his face. “I would love to see you again.” He said. Izuku gave him a big smile before waving him goodbye, which he returned.

  They have been visiting each other for the past 3 years. They started going out after a year of meeting each other. Bakugou has met the King and Queen and they were absolutely delighted to have met him. But now here they are in the Bakugou’s house and a tense silence has filled the atmosphere. Finally, Izuku worked up the courage to ask the big question, “I came today to have your blessing in taking Katsuki as my husband.” He said staring at them determinedly. Mitsuki and Masaur were shocked, they weren’t expecting that kind of question. It was Mitsuki who broke the silence first, “What right do you have on taking my son! He’s only eighteen! He wasn’t raised to help run a kingdom! You expect me to hand over my son, who will probably live a miserable life, stressing over a kingdom he barely knows!” Mitsuki shouted as she was about to continue, Masaru pulled her down to sit by him and put his hands over her mouth, muffling her shouts of anger. “Ha-ha sorry about her, she’s really overprotective of Katsuki.” He said. “Uh, no it’s fine! She has every reason to be worried.” He said. “I have no problems with this, and I’m sure Mitsuki will come to accept it, but…” he turned towards his son who was leaning on Izuku. “Katsuki?” Bakugou looked up to look at his father. “Do you want to marry him? I give my blessing but it’s all up to you in the end.” Bakugou shifted his gaze to look up at Izuku and gave a smile. “Since the day we met I thought it was love at first sight, but then it grew even more when he would come and visit, bringing me small gifts, talking about his adventures he’s had. Than when he got down and proposed to me it felt like everything had just clicked into place. I couldn’t be more happy to marry the man of my dreams.” Izuku could only look down in shock before pulling Bakugou into a hug and kissing him. They left the Bakugou’s with his parent’s blessing, even if Mitsuki was still reluctant.

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