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  When Katsuki had left the throne room, he quickly broke into a run and headed to his room. He quickly packed up closed and some money. He set it all in a bag, then he went and got changed into some comfortable clothes. He then went down to the kitchen and grabbed some smoke meats, and filled 2 canteens of water. He then went to the stable and got his horse, Ground Zero. “Come on, were going to go on an adventure.” He whispers. Ground Zero nuzzled his face to Katsuki’s and he couldn’t help the smile that came over his face. He quickly climbed up and they were off. 

  Days and nights they traveled. Stopping to only sleep, and eat. It was close to half a month that he finally started running low on food. ‘I need to find a town, or hunt, but in my rush to leave I didn’t grab any of my hunting supplies.’ He let out a sigh at how stupid he can be. He continued traveling hoping to find a village or a small town. Just as he was about to give up hope, he spotted a young woman filling up water at river. Katsuki felt happiness come over him, and he quickly rushed over. He stopped in front of the woman who looked up in surprise. “I’m sorry for scaring you. I was wondering if there was a town or village close to here.” He asked. The woman gave him a smile and nodded her head. “I can show you the way. I was heading back.” She said. “Thank you. That would be great.” He then got off of GZ, and started walking next to her. “Hello! I’m Ashido Mina.” “Hello Mina, I’m Mido-” He stopped himself. Mina looked over to him in worry. “Sorry about that, I’m Bakugou Katsuki. Nice to meet you.” He said waving off her concern. She gave one more worried glance before continuing on. “You must have come from a far place. The closet village to ours is at least a half day’s trip by horse, and you don’t look like you're from there.” She said looking up and down at his close. “Well, you're right, I come from the Midoriya’s territory.” Her eyes opened in shock. “Midoriya’s Territory?! That’s at least a 2 week travel isn’t? Why would you be so far out here?” “I just decided I need to get away from my old life.” She didn’t ask any more questions. She can tell by the look on his face that he was sad, and still suffering from whatever happened.

  They continued in a peaceful silence, until they reached a gate that lead into a town. It was a pretty big area, he saw how it expanded and looked like it went even deeper in the mountain. Katsuki has only heard of one land in the mountains, and that was run by the Kirishima’s. He’s only saw them twice in his time as queen. The day of Izuku’s coronation, and the 5th anniversary. It’s understandable because of how far they would have to travel, and leaving their land might lead to disaster because of them living in the mountains where many creatures lived. As they entered they gathered attention as they walked through, must be because they don’t get a lot of guests.

 “Mina!” he looked up to see a young man with spiked up red hair and sharp teeth waving at them. He was followed by an elderly couple, both with black hair and red eyes. They walked over and greeted Mina, “Hey! I was wondering where you went.” The young man said. “Sorry Eijirou. I was gathering water when I met him, he was looking for a village so I decided to escort him.” The 3 strangers turned towards him before the 2 older Kirishima’s eyes opened in surprise. They quickly bowed, which left the villagers confused, but they too bowed their heads. If their lords were showing respect they must be important. “Sorry for our rudeness Your Highness, if we had known you were coming we would have set up a place for you to stay.” The older man said feeling nervous on why such a famous person would be at their small kingdom. “There’s no need to bow, I’m no longer the Queen. I’m just another normal citizen now, it is who should bowing.” He said before giving his own bow. “Please there’s no need for that, and plus we have you to thank for helping us those few years ago. If it wasn’t for you we probably would’ve been over runned by those creatures.” The woman said taking his hand in hers. He looked up to see her smiling at him. “It’s great to see you again even though it was 5 years ago. I’m Rekka, this is my husband Asahi, and this is our son Eijirou and next in line for the throne. Only if he would stop acting like a child.” She said placing her head in her hand and shaking her head. “Hey! I don’t act like a child!” Eijirou exclaimed. “Just yesterday you ran out to go play with Denki, and Hanata.When you knew you had some paperwork to do.” His father laughed out. Eijirou tried to protest, but he knew they were right. Katsuki couldn’t help the little laugh that escaped him. “You guys are such a lively family, I can see why people love you, and the people who pass by here enjoy it. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Bakugou Katsuki, but you can just call me Katsuki.” “Well then you can call us by our first names too.” Asahi said. “Do you have a place to stay for the night?” “Oh no, I was just out adventuring when I started running low on supplies.” “Well in that case you can come live with us. It’s the least we can do for our savior.” “Thank You, I’ll take you up on that offer.” They then bid Mina goodbye and headed to their mansion.

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