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you shake your head. you soon began to feel warm tears run down your cheeks. you look out the window of the passenger seat in billy's infamous blue camaro. you and billy had just got into a heated argument about you apparently hanging out with steve too much. well it's too much for billy's liking anyway. steve and you don't even hang out that often, but billy being himself he tends to overthink things. which causes him to bring them up to you. obviously you get defensive because you and steve are clearly just friends. billy doesn't see it that way though. the reason why you're crying is because he accused you of cheating on him with steve.

"can you please just look at me?" billy asks. he sighs before saying.

" look i'm sorry y/n it's just that. i mean do you blame me for thinking you might and steve might be doing something behind my back. it's obvious steve likes you. i mean how can you possibly not see it?"

you roll your eyes before wiping away some of your tears. you still don't feel like making eye contact with billy because you honestly really can't look into those blue ocean eyes without giving in. it's so fucking stupid to you that you're siting here being questioned by your boyfriend about the possibility that you might be cheating on him. you shake your head before saying.

" you know what billy? i'm sick and tired of this shit."

you say before turning your head to finally face those ocean eyes of his. from looking into his eyes you can tell he's confused on what your talking about.

" every single fucking time i hang out with a boy i'm automatically dating him or screwing him behind your back."

you feel more warm tears rush down your cheek. billy knows he shouldn't interrupt your whole speech you're giving him because it's just going to cause more conflict between you two. as much as it breaks billy's heart seeing you cry he can't do anything about it.

" can you not fucking tell that i'm in love with you billy. i'm so head over hills for you it's crazy. i wouldn't trade you for the world. you mean more then words to me and for you to sit over here and have the audacity to accuse me of cheating on you is so fucking heartbreaking to me. i try so hard everyday to show you that i love you. is it not enough for you? because if it is i'm sorry but i just can't fucking do this anymore. if you can't fucking put one ounce of trust into me this just won't work."

you finish your sentence. you think to yourself if my voice fucking breaking many times in that sensitive means nothing to billy shows how much of a good boyfriend he is or was. you look at billy to see if he's going to say anything or hell even do anything to show some understanding of what you just said. you literally just poured your heart out to him but it seems like it didn't mean much to him. you start to see tears well up in his eyes. it breaks your heart to see this billy goes through so much shit he doesn't need me all i do is cause more problems in his life. billy takes a deep breath before saying.

" y/n i fucking love you so much hell i'm so fucking deeply in love with you that it physically hurts. it hurts so much when i see you talking or even remotely the slightest around boys."

tears start to fall onto billy's cheek. he tries to wipe them away but as fast as he wipes his tears away they're just quickly back in there same place. you feel terrible you know how bad billy is at expressing how he truly feels. he's always has told you that he feels weak when he cries or expresses how he feels. although you told him many times to not feel that way and that he definitely didn't have to feel that way around you. you love him more then anything in the world. you always want to know how he feels and if he's okay. billy has gotten better at expressing how he feels but he's only gotten somewhat better though. billy sighs before saying.

𝔟𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔶 𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔤𝔯𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔦𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now