dairy queen

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( a/n aye bet you didn't expect to see me again well lucky for you i um am extremely bored so here this )

you were simply getting ready for your shift at dairy queen. you put on your work uniform and curled your hair to make yourself look somewhat presentable. you head downstairs and say goodbye to your mom and tell her that your off to work. she responds with a simple nod and goodbye. you make your way to the front door and just as you put your hand on the door handle your mom says.

" remember y/n be aware of your surroundings and don't take shit from nobody."

you turn around to face your mom and smile before saying.

" don't worry ma i will. i love you bye."

you walk out the door and shut it. you made sure it's locked and then you make your way to your car. you get in your car and adjust the review mirror and look at yourself. you admire your self beauty and say.

" dang, i'm pretty good looking if u do say so myself."

you smile before readjusting the review mirror. you back out of the drive way. on your way to work you play some tunes and hum along softly. you find yourself at a red light for what felt about the hundredth time.

'damn, so many red lights today' you thought to yourself. you couldn't help but to notice music blasting very loudly that wasn't yours. you look to the right side of you to see a blue camaro. you notice that there's a boy in the car. you soon realize that's billy the "keg king" from your school.

''so that's the asshole who's blasting their music so loud' you kinda just stare at him giving him a hateful stare until you realize that he noticed you and he looks at you with a smirk. you then noticed that the stop light had turned green. as you drive your way to work you can't help but think of those blue eyes. it's like they put a spell on you. yeah billy's kinda a asshole but there's something about him that makes him irresistible. you shake those thoughts out of your head as you pull up to dairy queen.

you get out of your car and head on in to work. you scan the parking lot as you walk to the dairy queen entrance. you see that there's not many cars.

' maybe not such a busy day today' you thought to yourself as a smile started to form on your face. you hate when there's so many customers. when dairy queen has a busy day everything's and everyone is in such a rush which causes everyone to be an asshole or rude. you like the slow days at work because you have friends at work so when no ones there that gives you a chance to hang out with them. which is always so much fun.

you enter the dairy queen and only a couple of people are in there. one elderly couple and a couple teenage boys. you smile at the elderly couple as the do the same to you. there's something about elderly couples you love. you think there're so cute. when they talk to you about how long they have been married for and etc. you have always loved the idea of love but you were always too afraid to commit to an actual relationship. to you it's just crazy how you can literally devote your life to someone for years and then one day out of no where fall out of love. you shudder at the thought of it.

you soon find yourself behind the counter taking orders. at sundown it started to get very slow not as many customers came in. so you started talking to your fellow coworkers who were also your friends. you can't help but find yourself zone out here and there. you can't get those blue ocean eyes out of your head. there's just something about them.

''they're just so mesmerizing'  you thought to yourself. you began to find yourself in a complete haze thinking about them. soon you're interrupted out of those thoughts when your best friend y/f/n clears their throat rather loudly. the same time y/f/n clears their throat the bell on the entrance door of dairy queen rings. signaling someone has just entered the place. you still haven't turned around yet before you turn around your friend mouths to you ' billy hargrove is here' you felt a brush creep up in your face when she mentions his name.

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