Interview with Livvi57

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I was lucky enough to be able to acheive this interview with Livvi57, also known as Sadie, a mere four days before her tragic defeat against her everlasting battle with leukemia. While she's safe and at rest in a better place now, leaving her struggles behind, her memories remain in her books.  She's written "Dreaming in Music"; "If You Catch Me"; and "Silly Love Songs: One Direction One Shots."  They're amazing books, and if you haven't read it yet I strongly suggest that you do :)  She was such an amazing, beautiful person, and it's not fair that we had to lose her.  I hope you enjoy this interview with her, and I'm glad we all have pieces of her like this to hold on to. 


Q: When did you begin writing fan fiction?

A: Oh, I suppose in May of 2012?  I'd always written other little short stories, but I hadn't begun writing any fanfics until then :)  I've got loads of bits and pieces of wannabe "novels" on my computer that I never wound up finishing, and I must say, looking back on them now, they were really quite awful!  I wonder if, in a few years, I'll look back on my works now and think the same thing.  I certainly hope not!

Q: What inspired you to join Wattpad?

A: It's a bit of a funny story, actually.  I was on my computer Googling a software called "Jot Pad" because I was looking for a good organiser to help me through year eleven, but I accidentally entered the wrong search and wound up  on "Wattpad" instead. I was about to leave the website but, as an obvious directioner, my eye was caught :P I examined the site and I really liked it.  Then I thought, "Hey, Saders, you've got a Harry Styles fan fic you've been working on.  Why don't ya upload that for some decent feedback?"  ....So yah, I did :) 

Q: How quickly did your book's popularity grow?

A: Oho, I dunno if I can consider it "popular" yet, at least, not along the lines of popularity such as that of people like AllTimeNutella and 1DOnlyYou, whose books have reached literally millions of reads.  My book hasn't been so successful yet, to say the least, haha.  When I first uploaded, it took me a week to get one hundred reads.  Now, luckily, i get about one thousand or two thousand each day, and I have my amazing fans and friends to thank for that.  Imma just take this moment to thank them.  So, shah!  Thank you, gumdrops!

Q: How far along were you in your book when you were diagnosed with leukemia?  How did your leukemia affect the writing of the book?

A: When I was diagnosed in June, I had written about forty chapters of "Dreaming in Music" but had only published thirty or so.  It was definitely hard to deal with, because it came as such a shock; simply out of the blue.  I was in denial of my disease for quite a long, unhealthy time, and since I was stupidly refusing to acknowledge my condition, I was growing weak, I couldn't keep any food or water down, and I was simply letting myself fall apart.  For the three weeks I remained in that stage, I did not get any writing done whatsoever, and I had honestly thought I would end up deleting my account and leaving "Dreaming in Music" hanging, but I was inspired by the kindness and good humour of the fans to let them know why I had taken such a long period of absence, and when my best friend Claire persuaded me to finally upload the next chapter, it seemed like my writing was back on track.  Overall, I do think I would probably be a much better and more pleasing writer without the leukaemia, seeing as it sometimes prevents me from being able to write and quite often stops me from publishing or going online; one of the reasons Claire publishes for me so many times (in fact, she's typing these message-answers for me right now while I'm laying in bed being administered chemo, haha), but the fans have been completely, inexplicably wonderful and supportive.  I really can't believe just how amazing they are.  They're the reason I keep writing, and quite honestly probably one of the reasons I'm still here today.  They always manage to lift me up when I'm down :)

Q: Have you noticed a difference between writing simply for yourself and writing stories for Wattpad, where you know other people will be reading?

A: Oh, yes, definitely.  When I write for myself, I tend to write silly, happy, bantering pieces that have no real substance or plot; simply things that will make me happy to read- Kind of like gigantic one-shots, lol.  When I write for the public, however, I tend to become a lot more self-conscious with my writing.  I worry about what people will think about this bit, or that bit, and so on, so it's quite a bit stressing.  On the other hand, I find that when I write for others, my works tend to become a lot more solid and substantial and follow an actual plotline, as opposed to my Just-For-Fun bits cluttering my desktop.  On the whole, I think that knowing I'm writing for other eyes has really improved my works.

Q: Do you have any tips for aspiring Wattpad authors?

A: Why yesh, yesh I dooo :) First of all, I guarantee you, the most important thing is to make your story original.  I'm sorry, but the whole "meeting One Direction in a coffee shop, hooking up with one of them, and somehow being invited to go on tour with them all in the space of two minutes" plot can be good, but it is extremely overused and classic, and if you want a story with a plot like that to be successful, you better be the J.K. Rowling of fan fiction.  Just sayin'.  Secondly, for the love of all that is curly, please, please, please use correct spelling and grammar.  It may be just me, but when a story does not have correct spelling and grammar, it can make even the most amazing of plots look unprofessional and, well, like crap.  Trust me, it is SO worth it to go back and proof-read your chapters before publishing, because it will COMPLETELY change your readers' opinions if the story is a job-well-done.  

Q: And last but not least, are you planning on writing a sequel to "D.I.M.?" How about any other works-in-progress?

A: Sadly, I honestly don't think D.I.M. will follow up with a sequel.  I have, however, finished the book and included an epilogue explaining how the futures of the characters wrap up.  Ad for other works-in-progress, I've taken up the requests of my fans to write a Larry fan fic, seeing as there's been so much Larry drama lately.  And let's face it, Larry is cute ^_^ But anyways, I started writing that one in late July, and I've actually finished writing one of the last chapters.  Due to my recent homeschooling arrangement, I've had a lot of time on my hands to kill, so that's definitely benefited my account.  I can't way to begin publishing it!  It will be a lot less silly and plotless than D.I.M. was.  I like to think it has a bit more depth.  I hope you all are looking forward to it :)

Well, looks like that's all for now.  Thank you so much for your time, Sadie!

No problem!  Thank you for wanting to interview me, I'm flattered :) And thank you to all my fans for being so kind, supportive, and dedicated.  You honestly have no idea how much it means to me.  

*P.S. Here's a little note from Claire, the message typist!  LOVE YOURSELF, B*TCHES.  YOU DESERVE IT.  :D

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