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Full name : Sunny (REDACTED) (REDACTED)

Appearance : has short hair that looks like a galaxy tied into a small ponytail, has light grey eyes with pastel yellow stars in the middle, has a grey sweater with a light blue cropped shirt on top of it, wears light blue overalls, wears light grey tights with pastel yellow stars on them, wears a band on both legs that is the same color as the tights except the grey is a lighter color, wears pastel blue boots that shift into white near the top, has fox ears and tail that are the same color as their hair, has light grey and pastel wings that can be seen through, and has little white stars floating around them.

Elemental : everything in space (planets, black holes, suns, stars, ect.)

Nickname : none

Who they are shipped with: None.

Personality: childish, oblivious, and cheerful

Likes: Space, her mother, her siblings, and Ann.

Dislikes: Bugs, thinking about her sister's death, and war.

Species: wolf and celestial being

Sisters: Star and Lunista.
Brothers: Dream and Yuma
Parent: Daria.
Star's Status: Dead
Lunista's Status: Alive
Dream's Status: Alive
Yuma's Status: Alive
Daria's Status: Alive

Fandom : any as long I know what fandom.

Height: 4'11

Friends: Snowy, Ann, and a few others.

Weapons: none, they don't fight.

Fun facts: they usually is floating around space near their mom, they use to like singing, and they aren't the best with social interactions.

Accent/where they came from: American/America

(If you want to know more just ask me)


(255 words)

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