OCs : Yin and Yang.

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Appearance : has long black hair with a white highlight, wears a black long sleeved dress that shows her shoulders and some of her chest, wears black knee high socks, wears black fluffy boots, has a white bow on the back of her dress,has black wings with white symbols on them, has a fluffy black chocker with a white pendent, has a black mask that has white eyes and a white fluff on it, has one white eye that has a black crescent, and her other eye is black with a white crescent. | Has long white hair with a black highlight, wears a white hoodie that shows her stomach and her shoulders, wears a white skirt that has a heart on it, wears white knee high socks, wears white boots, has white wolf ears and tail, her tail has some black on the end, has some white wings that have black symbols on them, wears a white headband with a black triangle in the middle, and has same eyes as yin but they are swapped.

Element (s) :  Yin and Yang

Nickname (s) : none

Who they are shipped with: none

Personality: nice and kind | quiet and mean.

Likes: new friends | being alone.

Dislikes: bullies | people in general.

Animals: elf | wolf

Sister(s): they are twins.
Brother(s): none
Parent(s): most likely dead.

Fandom(s): any as long I know what fandom.

Height: 5'1 | 5'2

Friends: unknown | none

Weapon: her dark form | her light form.

Kink: none | slightly masochist.

Fun fact: none | none

Accent/where they are from: Chinese/China.

(If you want to know more just ask me)


(277 words)

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