Let Romance Commence!

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Roman was not hard to find. All Patton had to do was follow the sound of "I Wanna Be a Producer" from The Producers playing loudly at the end of the hallway. He opened the door a crack to see Roman dancing and singing along to the music with a full face of stage makeup on. He looked so beautiful the sight made Patton blush lightly. He opened the door a few inches more to get a better look at the prince.
"I wanna be a producer 'cause it's everything I'm—AHHH!" Roman jumped back at the sight of Patton standing there staring at him. "How dare you sneak up on a man mid-song!"
Patton hung his head, embarrassed. "S-sorry, Roman," he stuttered. "I just heard your singing and I thought..."
Roman smirked at Patton's raging blush. He walked towards him slowly, staring at every inch of the other man's flustered appearance. Patton gulped as Roman cupped his chin ever so gently, brushing a thumb across his cheek. Roman leaned in closer making Patton's face redden to a bright shade of crimson.
"What is it you came to me for?" Roman purred.
Patton's breath hitched. He wasn't sure he remembered. All he could think about was how close Roman was to his lips. He was on the verge of leaning in closer—
"...on the Virge of collapse..."
Patton's mind shot back into reality as he remembered the issue at hand.
"I need help with a little relaxation vacation for a couple of sides who work too hard."
"Ooh!" Roman exclaimed excitedly. "You mean Panic at the Everywhere and the Microsoft Turd? Those two always need a vacation. I'm surprised you didn't ask me sooner, Daddio!"
Patton giggled. "So, you'll help?"
"Of course I'll help, you little puffball!" Roman threw his arms in the air fancifully. "Let's plan those two a romantic getaway they'll never forget!"
"Yay!" beamed Patton.

Burning the Candle At Both Ends - Sanders SidesWhere stories live. Discover now