Chapter 1

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Frances stood there in front of the grave of her nephew for the second time. The rest of the midfords had already gone home. They had been there so long that Elizabeth started falling asleep still standing up. Now it was just her again. Hee hee hello lady phantomhive calls a cheerful familiar voice. 

Lady Phantomhive it has been years since she was call that or even recognize as a phantomhive. She considered a small kindness from him. After the funeral for her brother's family. Everyone in londan no everyone in england was saying it was the end of all the phantomhives. But then when her nephew returned. She was overjoyed of course to see him a live. But all of the newspapers. Were saying the return of the last phantomhive.

Undertaker thank you she says. For what dear being here? That's nothing it is my duty after all my lady. While I all do appreciate you staying. Here with me she says as they start strolling across the graveyard of her family. It's because I don't remember the last time. I was called or even recognize as a phantomhive. Now don't get me wrong I love Alexis and my children. But it's never exactly the same. As one you were first raised in undertaker finished. It maybe self-centered of me. For thinking about this but with everyone keeps saying it's end of the phantomhives. Do I no longer count did I ever count? Of you count you may not have been the queen's dog or the head of the estate. But you without a doubt you are lady phantomhive.

I know you were treated differently than claudia or vincent. Even the child earl was shown more respect by crown and society.But unlike the rest of your family. You never need any validation from the crown. I mean look at you are a knight. You won several national torments in fencing. She blushes wait you know about that? Of course I do what kind of phantomhive informant would I be. If I could not find out about their achievements my dear. He says attempting to imitate the butler. Frances could help but giggle you got that nasty butler spot on Undertaker.

Oh I heard he disappeared. When the boy did but he was never found. I suppose I have always favor Tanka. I don't know why? But there something about him.That I just could not stand. The butler just always seem to give off this awful nasty vibe about him. 

Yes indeed he was an annoying little vermin undertaker said. But everyone else seemed to love him for some reason. Oh well at least he is gone now Francis says with a sai of relief.

The True last phantomhive!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora